Chapter 11 - He Is So Broken

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Andy's POV
He needs this food as much as me, If not more...
I shook my head at his request for me to eat and he looked at me, confusion clearly written all over his face in sharpie. I hesitantly sat closer to him and put the white plate full of food between us. I giggled at his still confused expression. I cut the bread and the egg right down the middle with the steal knife. I pushed one half to his side of the plate, but he shook his head in denial. Why doesnt he accept it? I can tell he is hungry, and he doesnt have much food at all in his fridge. I know you want to eat it. I mentioned. Like a magnet, his eyes locked onto mine, before he turned his beady eyed attention to the food. He then took the bread from the plate and started eating it immediately, hungrily. I smiled with satisfaction and ate the other half of the bread. The bread and sunny side up egg were actually very delicious and I could tell he enjoyed it too. You can drink the tea if you want I am not that thirsty. I spoke quietly. I lied, I actually was thirsty, but I wanted him to have it, he needed it more than I did. Please drink it. He whispered like he was praying for me to take it. I have never seen this selfless side of him before, I guess he can actually be loving and nurturing. I hope I dont regret thinking that later Okay. I agreed and I took the tea in the same chipped white cup and drank half, leaving some for himself. The sweet taste of the tea trickled down my throat and into my belly making me feel so warm and energised. I gave him the tea back and he thanked me handsomely as he drank up the rest of it, before taking all the kitchenware back to its desired place to be washed up.

After a few minutes he came back. He closed the door slowly and gently, not breaking the eye contact at all, which I found a little spooky. He sat on the bed right next to me, both of us glancing at each other and then glancing away, feeling ashamed. Shyness devouring us but neither of us new where it came from. I didnt feel comfortable with him being as close as he was, even after he showed me his kind side, I still felt uneasy. We keep making this awkward eye contact with each other. Like we were speaking telepathically. Is this how two lovers display trust? I will let you in close and trust you not to hurt me while I'm in this vulnerable position. And if trust is one of the foundations of love, perhaps the staring is a way to build or reinforce it. Or maybe it's simpler than that. A simple search for connection. To see. To be seen. The silence becoming so awkward as we strayed our eyes from each other. Eventually though he broke that silence. So, you said that you wanted a hug? he conveyed sheepishly as I examined him. He was looking down, making no effort to make eye contact. Too embarrassed. Suddenly I stood up, like a switch had turned on inside me. He watched me suspiciously as I came closer to him, I gently sat on his lap, but he pushed me away and stood up too. I guess I deserve that, I have no idea what is wrong with me. What do you think you are doing? He bawled as I looked down guiltily. I am sorry, I apologised shamefully, and he gave me a big sigh of unsatisfaction in return. Why did you stay here? Why didnt you just run away? You could have left and never came back why!? He roared, emphasizing with big hand movements as he gestured to the door to make his point more valid. I could here the hurt in his voice too. He is so broken.

I didnt know what to say, I didnt want to tell him that I wanted to stay to try and help him. That I am catching feelings for him. Therefore, I sealed my mouth shut and gently enveloped his cheeks with my hands instead. He immediately tried to push me away again by grabbing my wrists. However, before he had the chance I pressed my lips on his own, tasting his perfect soft lips. We started moving in sync slowly. It really does feel magical. After a few more seconds of kissing we pulled away slowly, my eyes closed from pleasure. When I opened them, I was caught off guard by my view. The honey loving eyes of this cold hearted kidnapper were drenched with tears. Rye?... I questioned softly. He didnt take one look at me, but pulled me into his arms neither the less. His grip, tight and tender. I wrapped my arms around his waist trying to cradle all his broken pieces. His cheek that was lent on my shoulder, no doubt now covered in a film of warm, wet moisture. Rubbing his tensed back gently, trying to provide comfort in this perplexing time. Do you want to lay down on the bed and cuddle? So, if you want to you could tell me what happened. I doubted, leaving a layer of hope in my tone. He pulled away limply, his hands trembling unavoidably as his lower lip stuck out. Puffy ruby red bagged eyes now rubbed raw from his black woollen sleeves, but he couldnt stop the new fresh tears welling. Carefully I wiped them away, he gifting me a weak, wondering smile as I smiled back. Why do you want to help me so much? He whispered as his eyes started to fill up again, he angrily wiped them away, his quivering bottom lip mocking his pain. I dont know, it just feels right. I acknowledged, he nodded in thought. Lets lay down. I suggested, he took up my offer and lay on the bed waiting for me. I smiled warmly, happy that he is listening to me and I grabbed the two fluffy huge pillows. One to cushion his head and one to cushion my own. I lay down, pulling the blanket up, shielding us form the world. I was a little scared, sharing a bed with my kidnapper doesnt seem right, he could do anything. However, he pulled me in flush against him, holding me tight as before, my head wedged into his chest comfortably and the fear disappeared. So, do you want to tell me what made you cry? I whispered, frightened again at the answer. Although, to my surprise he nodded his head and ushered a quick yes. He then proceeded to put his hands through my unkept blond hair, stroking it delicately with so much care. I smiled, loving his caring gentle touch.

And then he started talking.

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