Chapter 6- The Cry of a Moan

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Andy's POV
"Why am I here?" I urged quietly. Hoping he didnt get angry again. Because thats when his other side comes through, his monster side, that wants to rip my skin and rape me.
"Because I want you to be here," He simply said as I looked at him. His eyes met mine as I felt a strange feeling in my stomach that I cant explain.
"But... if you had talked to me or just said 'hey can we be friends?' I would say yes. Why did you have to kidnap me and then try to rape me and-" I attempted to say before he cut me off by his own harsh voice.
"Shut up!" He yelled as I closed my mouth looking down again and regretting everything I said. I felt him coming closer.

Oh no

He crawled on top of me making me lay on the bed again. I was even more scared than before as he trapped my hands and pined them to the bed.
"I-I'm s-sorry." I whimpered, avoiding the eye contact that he wanted to make. He came closer to my face making me shiver again. Then he started kissing the right side of my face ever so gently. A breath I didnt know I was holding came out of me. He continued kissing me, then he went to kiss my neck, leaving small kisses there too. His lips were so soft like cotton candy and at the same time I could feel the roughness in them. I held the moans in that wanted to escape, I needed to hold them in, but he bit my sensitive skin once and I just let it out. It came out more like a cry. A cry for help, like the shriek and screech of a bird who cant find her baby. He pulled away and we locked eyes. He smiled softly as his eyes trailed to my lips and back to my eyes. I knew what he wanted so I just shook my head in fear.

Oh no please dont

He leaned in, but instead of kissing my lips he kissed my nose, once, and stood up. He headed for the door leaving me speechless once again, but before going any further he turned to me. "My clothes look cute on you." He stated quietly and went out of the room. I gasped at what he said and once I knew he was gone I let out a big breath of relief. Omg what just happened? I picked up the tea that was in a white cup, the cup being chipped on the rim and on the handle. When the cold cup touched my lips and I smelt the sweet herbal scent, my thoughts went into overdrive and I froze. What if he poisoned it? I put the cup back on the bed side table, and laid back in bed and tried to sleep again.

I couldnt fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. My body was quaking from both fear and the temperature of this spooky house. It feels like the temperature was in the minuses, like it was going to snow indoors. I was also scared that Rye was trying to poison me with that tea he gave me. I have seen it in many films, so I know how this works. I sat up in the bed and looked around to see if there was something that could help me sleep. However, as I looked around in the dark my mind played tricks on me, seeing shadows and hallucinations that are not really there. I felt like a little kid again, terrified of the dark, as I sat in my bed with a flashlight looking in every nook and cranny for the monsters that only came alive at night. There was no monsters in this bedroom, but I saw two big white fluffy pillows in the corner of the room. I went to them stepping carefully and grabbed them both, getting back into bed. They were a bit dirty, with careless coffee stains on the corners, but I didnt mind. I put one pillow where I was going to put my head, then I laid down and cradling the other pillow in my arms, envisioning I was in my room. I started to imagine what it would be like if I was home right now. I would be sleeping peacefully, dreaming about some stupid things, probably worrying about the many tests and classes I had tomorrow. To be honest I am one of the most popular guys at school. There are always girls around me, but mostly its just the boys, Sam, Shaun and Luka, my friends. I used to be, you know, the nerd of the school. Everyone calling me names and giving me a hard time because I came out as gay. However, everything changed when my mum married this rich guy called Adam, and now everyone started hanging around with me, asking me to be friends or some of the boys at school even asked me to go on dates. However, I always turned them down, because I know they just wanted me for my familys money and nothing else. I have Sam, Shaun and Luka and that is all I need. I dont know why this Rye guy kidnapped me, but tomorrow I am going to find a way to get out of here. Thats right Im going to try and run away. Away from this horrible haunted house. Away from this foul cold, smelly, rotten bedroom and away from Rye the kidnapper that doesnt know what the word no means. And with that thought I fell asleep.

3rd person POV
Quick steps walking on the cold, wooden floor was the first sound in the room. The shallow breaths of the small blonde boy was the next sound, combined with the others breathing and formed a sweet melody. Two heartbeats were the third sound in the small almost broken room, one fast full of care and the other slow full of love. Rye walked into the room with a big soft light blue blanket and looked at the younger boy who was sleeping peacefully in bed.

He didn't deserve this so why did Rye kidnap him?

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