Chapter 8- First Kiss

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Andy's POV
"Let me be your first kiss." He whispered and I looked anywhere but his eyes, taken back by his request. What should I do? Should I let a complete stranger kiss me? a person who kidnapped me. How do I trust this person? What does it even feel like to kiss someone? Is it wet and gross? Or does everything else just fade away and it will just feel like its me and him. Like the kissing scenes on some of those love, sick, romance movies. To be honest I want to find out, and I dont think I have a choice, he will just kiss me against my will at some point anyways, so I might as well get it over with. But, what do I do? I whispered back not sure how to kiss him. Just close your eyes and lick your lips. He instructed and I did what I was told. I quickly closed my eyes and licked over my lips. You know, you always here about peoples first kiss stories, about the good and the bad. I guess mine is going to be a bit different.

Oh fuck so here goes nothing...

He started leaning in, I could feel every move he made. He then gently took my left cheek in his hand, pulling me closer to his face. R-Rye?... I whispered as he was taking his time, but he shut me up by connecting our lips. His lips were so very soft and light, they also tasted of raspberries, they felt so good. This kiss is so addicting and for some reason I dont want him to stop. He started moving his lips against mine slowly and my lips joined in with the dance. I tried to kiss him normally the best I could. He pulled away a bit from my lips and I took the chance to take a breath. His eyes nearly closed allowing me to see just how long his eyelashes are. "Slowly." He whispered huskily against my lips making butterflies erupt in my stomach. I nodded acknowledging that I understood his new command and we started a slow waltz again. Shivers went all through my body, my heart started pounding madly in my chest wanting more. I slowly and carefully put my arms around his neck, trying to pull him closer. However, he grabbed my wrists and pinned my hands above my head, all without breaking the sweet kiss. He made me lay down on the bed as we continued making out. I dont know why but I really do freaking love this kiss, I just cant help it. I know I shouldnt, but this kiss is really wonderful. He then pulled away, making eye contact straight away as we both tried to get our breaths back.

"Did you like it?" He murmured and I didnt know what to say, I cant lie to him. I just nodded my head slowly. His smile grew again maybe even bigger than the last, making him look beautiful once more. Do you want more? He inquired like it was the easiest thing to say in the world. I on the other hand was taken aback slightly. Dont ask that. Im not supposed to even be doing this never mind asking for more. I was so confused on how to reply, I really didnt know what I want. Therefore, I decided not to answer and avoid eye contact. He put his hand on my cheek again, making me look at him. I can kiss you again, just dont touch me, okay. He instructed firmly as I looked at him puzzled. These pieces dont match at all. He wanted to handcuff me, to rape me, to put his hands all over me. And know he doesnt want me to touch him at all? Why? I whispered as he looked in my eyes, bewildered by me answering him back. I cant tell you, just dont. he stated coldly, and I shook my head, looking away again.

He informed me and I gulped and looked at his eyes, at every little detail. How can a man that is so harsh and forcing have such luring, nice eyes. But why does he have to rape me? Can w-we can we j-just hug? I stuttered quietly knowing that the question was totally ridiculous but still, I wanted to know his answer. I just said you cant touch me and now you want a hug? Are you crazy? He joked and we both shared a laugh. I just shook my head. I am not crazy; it is natural to take the calmer option in this situation. I guess I am just scared, scared of getting raped as everyone is, scared that if he kissed me again I would fall deeper into cupids mind tricks. I looked into his shining honey coloured orbs. Please I whispered, silently pleading that he will listen to me this time. He stared at me intensely for a second before looking away and giving out a big sigh. Tonight. He answered and I gave him a little smile in return. He pecked my lips one more time, before walking out of the room. And seconds later I heard him lock the door, he locked me in and he left me alone, all alone again. However, this time I kept the same shy smile on my face when he left. I felt alive. I felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest. I feel so warm all over making my body feel so giddy and free. I can still feel and taste the sweetness of his lips. Oh, I cant believe I just did that. He kissed me. I kissed back. That was my first kiss and it was with a stranger

A big sleepy yawn overtook me. I was so tired of all those feelings and drama that happened minutes ago. I decided just to lay down and wait for him to come back into the room again. I felt like a stray dog waiting for his owner to come and pet him, but will he come back? I actually want him to come back, I dont know why, maybe its the hormones messing with my mind. However, I do feel safe, yes I know weird to feel safe in a creepy house that a stranger brought you to, who wants to rape you wow Andrew just wow. All of a sudden I heard the creaking of a door, then a loud bang, then silence. I think that was him going out of the house and slamming the front door. Is he leaving me here? I laid back in bed, cuddling with the big pillow under the comfy blanket. A few tears fell down like the first few raindrops, as it tries to rain but fails as I wipe them away immediately. No Andrew you cant cry because he left you, you are stronger than this. Am I? I closed my eyes trying to calm myself down enough to sleep. Think happy thoughts, happy thoughts, no dont think about your crying mother. Count sheep, 1, 2, 3, 4............

Rye's POV (finally)
What the fuck is this boy doing to me?
Why can't I just fuck him like I usually do to the others?
Why is he so beautiful?
Why is he so cute?
Why is he idk.. himself?
Why do I want to care for him and protect him?
Why do I feel like that?

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