Chapter 12 - Salty Tears of the Past

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Andy's POV
And then he started talking.
Um first of all, I havent told anyone about this and maybe you will hate me after this, like you hate me now, you will hate me even more He admitted, but I cut him off at once. I dont hate you. I stated confidently like it was a well-known fact. However, the truth is, I made myself believe it so. He chuckled, completely oblivious to my alternative fact, kissing my head quickly once before he carried on. I- I dont know what love is like I dont know how to feel, I forgot how to feel, I have never let someone close to me as close as you are right now. He confessed loosening his grip and peeping at me before holding me close once more and continuing. Maybe this is because my parents left me when I was ten years old, they said that I was gay and I needed to be left alone, theyre very religious. Yes, I was gay, and I still am. They understood it because I kissed a boy when I was on the school car park and they and a bunch of my friends at the time saw us. They saw me for who I really am, and they didnt accept me, no one excepted me. They told me that I dont deserve love or to be loved anymore. My parents, my friends, everyone left me, and I was alone in this house, all alone He wept as my eyes filled with sympathetic tears. He took a deep breath and continued once more. How much more of his painful story does he have? Then one day a kind old lady found me as she was broke, and had no home and no one to turn to, she was just like me, she ended up raising me like her own son in this house. Her hair was always in a grey bun and I remember she used to always wear these big skirts and fitted shirts that came in maroon or blue colour palettes. She gave me plenty of love and affection and I am very grateful for all that she did for me. But unfortunately, she died after four years and I was alone again. Six years alone. He mourned as I hold him close. I kidnapped you because you are rich and I need the money, but when I saw you I knew I couldnt do it I dont know I should let you go. He sighed quietly looking into my baby blue eyes. I was scared to say anything in case I hurt him or make him angry, but I just had to ask. Do you have a job? I proposed sweetly not wanting to come across as harsh. Yes, I have four. He clarified tiredly as he looked down, like he has heard the question a thousand times. I am sorry. I clucked apologetically and he leaned up kissing my head lightly. Its not your fault, dont apologise. He reassured. He is being so kind about this. And yeah I hate my life, I hate myself I have a thousand scars mentally and physically. Im not telling you this so you will pity me Im telling you because you wanted to know about me and I just He stopped, I looked up at him seeing his eyes streaming down with salty tears of the past. I stroked his cheek gently, embracing him more with my other hand. Im fine. He choked out, more tears tumbling from the brave boys tired eyes. I dont know if he was trying to persuade me or himself. I know he is not fine

I wanted to calm him down, realising quickly that just embracing and rubbing his back wouldnt cut it. Therefore, I kissed his neck once quickly but as gently as I could, and I felt him shiver under me. This calms me down so I thought it would help him too. I continued kissing along his neck slowly and delicately. He groaned softly when I bit his sensitive skin slightly. He sat up making me stop and sit up too, he cupped my face changing my view to look at him. When our eyes met I felt sparks between us. He came closer, pressing his soft lips on mine for a few seconds then he moved away and joined our foreheads in a kiss instead. Thank you. He whispered gratefully and I found myself smiling and kissing the tip of his Greek nose swiftly. Your welcome. I chirped and we then laid back down again, me in his arms, hugging each other tightly making our own nest of warmth, not knowing he was going to speak again five minutes later and disturb the peace. Tell me something about yourself Andy. Rye articulated and I looked at him once again, before looking back at the grubby, pealing, old wall. Um what do you want to know? I debated, not knowing where to start on the matter. I started drawing little shapes delicately with my finger on his chest as I waited for an answer. He shivered as he tried to calm down, but his body wasnt having it, failing him just like my body would fail me if he did this to me. I decided to stop as I know this is all new to him. However, what he didnt know was that its new for me too, but I decided not to start with that. I dont know just tell me something. He simply said and my brain got to work. What could I tell him about myself? I am quite a boring average person to be fair. I guess I could just tell him the basics. Okay well I am an organised mess, I am a student, I study music at the university in the centre of town, I have 3 friends that help me out so much, I have my mum and my stepdad who you know is rich, and um I was the nerd before my mum met him now I am the nerd with money. I claimed as he softly giggled, which made me smile at his cuteness. Thats cool um can I ask you a question? He inquired. He glanced at me; I could feel all the worry radiating off of his deep-set eyes in waves rippling into mine. Therefore, I pressed my moist lips on his neck, leaving a small butterfly kiss there to try and calm his nerves and he smiled at me in thanks. So, if I told you that you could be free and leave, would you? He asked sceptically not daring to look at me. Yes, yes I would. I answered honestly, knowing I would give anything to be cuddled up with my mum, laughing together on our sofa right now. However, Rye looked at me, all the energy that his eyes portrayed had drained out of him. He embodied a child who had just dropped their ice-cream on the floor. Like his heart just broke into a million tiny pieces and he stopped breathing for a second. This was so strange; he was laying here with me in his broken house, but in his eyes I could see he was far away chasing sunsets. Suddenly his eyes shifted, seeing me now and filling with tears. My heart skipped a beat when the first salty tear left his eyes.

Why is he crying? Did I say something wrong? We just held each other tightly after that, the silence overcoming us once more.

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