Chapter 2: Pep Talk

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I wake up the next morning to find dad sitting on the edge of my bed. I sleepily sit up and wipe my face. I stretch and yawn.

"Dad? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"Yeah, I called and told them I had a family matter to attend to."

"There is no changing my mind," I say to him. He smiles at me.

"I know, sweety. I wanted to let you know that I support your decision and let you know that I will be raising your allowance to make sure you are taken care of. No arguing about it. How far are you going?

"It'll be out of state."

"I knew as much. I wouldn't move out only to have still my parents dropping by anytime they felt like it." He laughs.

"California." I look up at him.

"Any particular reason?"

"It's the best place to move since mom hates places with a lot of heat." He nods in understanding.

"I expect to hear from you at least once every month." He says, and I laugh.

"Dad, you're my best friend. Of course, I'll call and probably more often under one condition." He raises an eyebrow. "If you are at work, you don't answer unless I call twice.

"Why twice?" He asks.

"If I call you twice back to back, something is wrong, or I really need you, if I just call once, I'm checking in, and it can wait." He begins laughing really deep.

"What's so funny?" I ask

"You are always so freaking responsible, oh which reminds me," he says, reaching into his jacket pocket. "I want you to be still able to have fun. I know your birthday is in a month but, in case you wanted to have some fun before I had the legal fake ID made." He hands it to me, and I examine it.

"Dad, you know you can't do that; it not legal just because you do it."

"No, it's legal because the men above me said I could." I look at him, and he laughs. "When I got you your ID in middle school, I know you thought I was joking when I said that it was legal because most FBI agents are away from home a lot, and situations differ. They have a policy that allows an active agent to give their families anything they might need anything at all." I eye him suspiciously.

"Spill it. I say I know you're hiding something."

"That's where you're allowance has been coming from. Technically, your mom should have a share and would if not for her attitude towards me. I have already had funds transferred to your account; you will be receiving that amount twice a month every month. I look at him. "It's a lot but, the company said I had to use your mother's share. I wanted to hold it, hoping she would get her shit together. It's been six years she's never going to act right, and I refuse to give it only for it to be after I start that she stops being a bitch." He says with sad eyes.

"Well, maybe she will, and if she does, I really don't mind you stop giving it to me and start giving it to her." He smiles.

"You and I both know she won't, and apparently, the company does as well."

"Well, if you have asked them to hold it for the last six years, they probably have come to the same conclusion as we have." I get up and go to my closet, looking for clothes to put on.

"So when is moving day?" 

"Well, I just got notified that I got the apartment, but the landowner said it wouldn't be furnished till Monday, so I'll probably fly out the weekend, so I can unpack, shop, and settle a few matters."

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