Chapter 18: The Intervention

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Jace's POV

"So sha'll we start burning?" Her dad asks.

"No not yet, we are going to let her chew on it first."

"It's going to have to be guarded." Her dad warns.

"Yes daddy I know, I'm going to do it she won't even think about trying it knowing I'm out here. Will you mama?" Her mom shakes her head, I begin to wonder whether she is the parent or not.

"So I hear you boys like to play video games." Her dad looks to us.

"Yeah we play." Jason says.

"Well let's go play." He leans own and kisses Shadows forehead before we head up stairs. I look at Shadow.

"You'll be fine he won't kill you I promise." She kisses me on the cheek and I blush. She giggles and her dad laughs as well.

"I'm not as bad as I look plus I'm sure ant Cat wants to catch up with Shadow before the intervention tomorrow." Reluctantly I follow her father upstairs to where we have the game set up.

"So my daughter doesn't think I know what she been up to all these years and I'd like to keep it that way but, I know she found you from that life I have to know that you will do right by her."

"Yes sir I'm in love with your daughter and have been since the day I laid eyes on her."

"Yeah he wouldn't and still won't ever shut up about her, he even told his mafia pop."

"Why would you say that?" I punch him in the arm.

"Ow, he said he knew what she did as long as you don't break her heart it won't come back to bite you in the ass later." I look at her father.

"If you knew what she was doing why not stop her."

"Because my daughter is one of the best in the game and I love hearing my superiors whine about how good she is and why they can't figure out who she is."

"How did you find out?"

"I never did officially but some of the times that the events occurred I knew she wasn't home and because I gave her every skill she could ever need for her protection I just assumed.  Besides all I ever wanted is for my child to be happy and being a law breaker mad her happy, just because I'm in the FBI doesn't mean I couldn't let my child grow and do what she pleased, she would have turned out like that regardless and there's no prison on earth that can hold her." I could tell from the way that her father was genuinely proud of what she had done and that as long as I was true and good to her then he would not arrest me and throw away the key.

"That makes sense and that makes you the best father in the world." I say he looks at me and smiles.

"So that means that she is being safe?"

"Sir if she doesn't want some one to touch her in a fight they won't no matter how hard they try, she is the most amazing woman I have ever met. She's beautiful but she isn't just a pretty face that's the best thing about her, well that and her brutal honesty."

"I can tell you really have feelings for my daughter and you're sure you are not just in love until the next hot thing rolls around?"

"I hope that she will let me marry her someday." His face lights up and then he goes back to his don't hurt my daughter face.

"You meant that?"

"That's the only other thing he talks about how one day he's going to get them out of the game and settle down with her have kids." Jason pipes in.

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