Chapter 5: Her

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                                                                                         Jace's POV

I have watched the last few days as the apartment across the hall from me is being prepared for a new tenant. By the looks of things, I want to say a female, but there are some items being brought in that are questionable for the taste of a lady. I was on my way into the building with Jason Black, my best friend. We were in the middle of discussing some business when I saw her step out of the cab. She was beautiful, really short but beautiful. The most beautiful chocolate skin, long straight blue hair, curves in all the right places. She's not like Christy from next door because she's short and plump like a ripened peach. I grab Jason by the shirt. 

"Whoa, dude, what is wrong." He says as I pull him around the corner.

"Did you see her?"

"You mean the little cutie who's moving into 3D?"

"How do you know that's where she's moving into?"

"Christy told me, I think she has it out for me."

"I told you that. But did you see her?"

"Yes, Jace." He sighs. "What's your point?" I look at him. "Oh no, did you get a good look at that chic? She'll give you a run for your money; it won't even be worth it."

"It'll be worth it. I can feel it." He shakes his head at me.

"Just tell me, how do you figure that?" I watch as she walks into the building and makes her way to the door.

"Because my friend, she's my equal, the girl that was born for me." He scoffs. He continues to try and talk me out of it. Knowing it won't work, I always go for what I want.

"How many times have you said that?"

"Yeah, but can't you see it? She's the real deal, a genuine bad girl. She's not faking it if she says she can kick your fucking ass, you better believe her when she says it." I watch as she takes in her surrounding, her eyes landing on Chris and Christy.  She moves to the bench and sits with such grace. Christy takes notice, I watch her do that thing she does when there is someone in the room that looks better than her.

"When are we going in?" Jason asks.

"When she goes up, I want to wait till she's settled to introduce myself." I watch her hair sway as she follows Chris to the elevator. I just gotta make her mine, I will have her.

"Tell me we are taking the stairs." Jason whines.

"Unless you want to wait till Chris comes back down, besides I'm not done observing," I say and start up the stairs. Chris enters the elevator a few minutes later. You can go to my room if you want."

"And what pray tell are you going to do?" I chuckle.

"Stalk my prey." He shakes his head goes to my room and I run to the hallway closet and sit on the perch in there. The movers knock on the door, a few minutes later the door opens. They mutter something.

"You can just set them over there in the corner on the other side of the couch." Her voice so light but so fierce, I don't even know her and she's giving me goosebumps. She leaves the door open for the movers and I take my opportunity, I stand silently at her door and watch as she begins to unpack her things. Her phone rings and I watch as she sighs before answering. She goes back and forth with the person on the other line. She seems agitated and I don't know why but it makes me upset. She hangs up, the movers make their last few trips and I go to my room.

"So did you find anything interesting?" Jason asks from my game room.

"She even more beautiful up close, she has issues with someone, and as I have said before the perfect match for me."

"That's settle down talk." He raises his eyebrow at me. 

"I don't know man I haven't even met her yet and I feel whipped like butter. She is absolutely stunning and like nothing I've ever seen." He puts the controller down and looks at me worry flashing in his eyes. "What?"

"You in love with a girl you don't even know, you have never loved a female outside of the family?"

"I didn't say I was in love with her." 

"You don't have to bro, it's all over your face and the way you talk about her." I hear keys from the hallway and run to my door placing a crack in it. It is her and she has something in her hand.

"I'll be right back." I bolt downstairs to the parking garage. I hear the elevator I watch as she walks to a blue SUV, stopping when she presses the unlock button. She turns to a purple mustang beside the SUV and presses the lock button and frowns. I then watch her take something out of the keyless entry remote and out of the back of her trunks, something small I can't make out. She puts them in a little case, gets in her car, and leaves. Once I get back upstairs.

"Well?" Jason asks.

"She has to be filthy stinking rich and might be running from something."

"How do you know that?"

"You don't have two very expensive cars and not have a lot of money."

"The running thing?"

"She pulled some tiny object out of her keyless entry remotes and the trunks."

"That sounds more like she maybe didn't want the movers stealing her cars they were probably tracking devices." I mull over what he says.

"You have a point, you want to play the game and finish figuring out what we are going to do about  the man."

"If it gets you to stop talking about her then yeah." Then it hits me and I smile. "Oh no I know that look you have a plan which is good but you didn't get it till I mentioned her."

"She can be the bait, the man has a reputation for loving new girls." 

"And how do you plan on asking for her help?"

"Leave that up to me."

"We only get one chance man."

"Oh please, you just don't want me to get her."

"I just don't want to see you disappointed." 

"Disappointed why?"

"I'm telling you it won't be easy to do if at all possible."

"Oh, it's possible and I know it won't be easy, but it will be hella fun. Even more rewarding watching her fall for me, the confusion and conflict she'll have after years of being an expert at keeping it together, the fear she'll have that she's losing it all because she's getting feelings for me. Finally watching her crumble beneath my touch when she finally admits to herself she can't fight it."

"Oh, you passed whipped bro. Get a grip, you keep thinking shit like that and you'll blow the mission for sure."

"The mission is an excuse for me to get close, I had a million ideas before she got here." Jason rolls his eyes at me.

"The beautiful thing is because I know so much about her it'll be hard too."

"You don't even know her name."

I shake my head. "I mean I know what things to say and when to say them, what buttons to push and when. I know her on a deeper level, I know what's inside.'

"Yeah you're really creeping me out, see you tomorrow."

"Yeah." I go to sleep that night with nothing but her on my mind. Tomorrow I will introduce myself. I smile to myself as I drift.

"You better not screw up."

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