Chapter 3: The Divorce

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It's three in the morning when my mom burst into my room and drags me downstairs. "I could have walked myself." I slosh.

"Good morning, honey."

"Morning, daddy."

"You said you wanted to talk?" My dad asks, looking at my mom.

"Honey, you know that what we had was real right."

"Yes, I do." She looks at her hands, and he looks at me. I sigh; she can't even ask for the god damn divorce.

"Before I start, mom, you're pitiful, you know that?"  I sigh. "Dad, mom wants a divorce." He looks from me to her.

"Is that true? After all these years, you've finally decided." She sighs.

"In truth, she was the one that made me decide; she gave me a dose of reality. I do want you to know that I'm sorry for everything."

"It's okay; we will discuss this further when I get back. The house is yours." And he leaves, and she begins to weep.

"He hates me." She cries. I roll my eyes, and even if he did, could you blame him.

"No, he doesn't. This is the first time in six years that you told him the truth. He's content."

"You think so?" She wails.

"I know him better than you do, I'm sure of it. Now, if you don't mind, I have packing to do" I kiss the top of her head.

"You're not going back to bed?"

"I have a lot to do before the movers get here at ten, so I might as well get started, besides. My alarm goes off at five, and it's four-thirty, so why not. You should go back to bed though, if the phone rings, I'll wake you."

"Okay, thanks, baby."

"No problem, mom." I then went upstairs to my room and continued my packing. I've finally gotten everything packed up and my smaller things I wanted safe in the backs of my vehicles. I pull the keys from my key ring and put them on separate rings. I then place the tracking chips dad made me take the moment I told him movers were taking the cars to the apartment. I place one each in the keyless entry remote and place them in the visors. I then pop the trunks and place each mini device under the back seat behind my boxes. After I finish, I go back to my laptop to finish shopping and check my emails. There's one from my online instructor leaving me the rest of the instructions for registration. I start it and move on. There's an email from Mr. Jackson telling me that a few things have arrived and are safe and sound in the closet. I reply, saying thank you. Then there's one from my bank. Here goes, let's see what dad has done now. I open it, and my mouth drops; there's almost five million in here. He's so dead when he calls, and then something catches my eye. He put more in my other account, almost seven in there. I whip out my phone and dial his number.

"I know you're mad, but please don't curse me. I know it's a lot, but I had to do something with it, or the company was going to make me put it into investments, and you know I feel about that." 

"Fine, you get out of it this time." Then it hits me. "How much comes each month, dad."

"One mill to each account." Whoa, I don't even know what to do with that. "I'm sorry, honey; I have to go. We'll discuss it later. I love you."

"I love you too, dad." I hear the doorbell ring as we hang up. I go down and answer the door.

"Good morning, ma'am." There are four tall men at my door in their matching jumpsuits. I'm only five feet tall, so yes, everyone is very tall to me, but they're like six feet tall. 

"Morning gentlemen, if you'll follow me, I'll show you what's going." I lead them upstairs to my bedroom; this room goes, and if you two would follow me." I say, pointing at the two not having entered the room yet. I lead them to the end of the hallway where my office was. "This room here too." 

"Yes, ma'am." They say as they begin working. After about two hours of back and forth, they are finally done.

"Okay, so which two are driving my cars." The two tallest of the men step forward. " Okay, you two first, then I take eight hundred dollars out of my wallet and hand them two apiece. This is your tip in case you beat me there. The other four for is for gas." I point to my drivers. "You two follow me; I lead them to the garage. "This Is four hundred two of it is your tip. The rest of it is for gas same goes for you," I say. They pull out of the garage behind the moving truck. "Everyone set?" 

"Yes, ma'am." They answer.

"Okay, I left instructions with the manager in case you do beat me there as well." I head back inside and sit on the couch. Mom insisted that I slept in the guest room, but I have an early flight, so I'm staying on the couch. I end up falling asleep way before I had planned on.

"I thought I told you to sleep in the guest room." My mom says as she shakes me awake.

"I told you I wasn't gonna." I rollover.

"Well, then you'll sleep in my room." She says in that tone that says she is not kidding, though she never was. I roll over and get up. 

"I'm staying down here, mom."

"You're not sleeping on the couch."

"Then I won't sleep."

"Then you won't. I have to go back to work; I came to say goodbye."

"I'll keep in touch," I say.

"I know, sweetie. I just wanted to see you before you left. I love you."

"I love you too." I listen as she drives away, and then I lay back down and go back to sleep. Two hours later, I hear a car door slam, sit up and flip through channels in case it's mom.

"How come you are up, Darlin." It's dad.

"I slept the majority of the day after the movers left."

"You hungry I brought take-out."

"Sure, let's eat." We go into the kitchen and sit down.

"Thank you for helping your mom come to her senses. I knew all along, but until she told me out her own mouth, I'd never leave you two."

"I knew that, and I didn't like the idea of you two at it while I'm not around, and you said it yourself. We knew she'd never change, so I gave her the reality of it."

"Well, I'm glad you did what I couldn't, then she would try to blame me."

"That's why I made her do it." He hugs me tight.

"I told you I would see you before you left, and I'm your ride to the airport. Your flight is early enough that it runs around mine, so I told your mom I'd do it so that she can rest." Even on the verge of a divorce, he still cares for her.  We sit up for the rest of the night, talking and enjoying each other's company. Around five-thirty, we go to our bathrooms, clean up, and get dressed. "I thought we would stop by McDonald's on the way for coffee."

"Sounds good. I could use a cup. Got a long flight and even more work to do once I land." He nods, and we head out the door. Once at the airport, we hug, say our goodbyes, and go our separate ways. My flight makes two stops along the way, hence the long flight.

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