Chapter 21: First Best Friend

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After hours of talking the normal get to know you stuff me and Christy find that we have a lot everything in common besides my being a bloodthirsty assassin, but she has had kung-fu and many other forms of fighting styles for protection.

"So could you teach me?"

"Teach you what how to kill?"

"I want to be able to do what you can do. I think I need more than just my many versions of martial arts to pull this job with you guys."

"Well most of my training actually comes from martial arts, it would take more time than we have to teach you everything, I can teach you how to use weapons though that, might help a great deal."

"You mean like guns?"

"Well yes guns to but, other things to anything can be a weapon." She looks at me in awe.

"I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, maybe a best friendship."

"Well if we do make it that far you'll be my first best friend."

"Really I find that hard to believe you are such a likable person."

"You're part of the one percent that thinks so." I say getting us another beer.

"Well now I want to be best friends even more." We laugh. "You're apartment is lovely I wish I could have afforded one of the nice ones up here. I like nice things and have money but not like that, could I move in your other room and pay you rent?" She ask throwing me off guard.

"You sure that's not the alcohol talking?"

"I want a nice place." She says with sad eyes. Just then the door opens and the boys come in with two new game systems and an three bags of games.

"Damn did you get enough stuff?"

"There's more downstairs." Jace says as they start hauling the stuff upstairs. I look at Christy she still looks sad.

"Before you guys go, I have something that I want to discuss."

"Can't it wait?" Jason whines.

"Go on then you cry baby. Don't worry I think I have the solution to your problem hon." She finally starts smiling again. The boys finally finish getting everything in twenty minutes later.

"Before you two even think about plugging anything in. SIT!" I say and they sit on the couch. "Jason did you mean what you were saying on the plane?" He dashes a glance at Christy. "Just answer the damn question."


"Jace how would you like to move in with me?" His head snaps up to me.

"Seriously?" I nod. "You mean move all my stuff in here and everything?" I nod again. "If you want me in here permanently then yes I would love that."

"Okay so here's my proposal Jace you move in with me, Jason you and Christy move across the hall and Jace and I will take care of the rent." They look at me.

"Are you serious? Would you seriously pay for us?"

"Yes we would, all I want is to be with her and you to should be able to live like us as our best friends. Besides Jason will have the money we make in less than a month then he can take over."

"How do I get the money you get?"

"Convince one of your parents to join the FBI." Jason says as if that's nothing.

"My mom is in the FBI." She says.

"Well she might not know you are entitled to this benefit. What's her name?"

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