Chapter 25: A little fun before we die

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Stay tuned for book two and find out how our groups heists go!!!!!

Jace's POV

"Where are you taking us?" They ask as we try to lead them inside. Jay and I worked really hard we prepared them a nice bath and a hot meal, as well as unpacked the boxes they had brought. We intend to do the rest while we have them trapped in their bathrooms.

"It's a surprise. Will you two just stop and let us do something nice for you for once? Please?" We beg, we knew this wouldn't be easy so we planned and rehearsed lines to get them to do what we wanted.

"Fine." They say and we nod at each other before leading our ladies inside. Once the door shuts.

"Are you going to tell me what this is about now?"

"Nope I was serious about it being a surprise. Now hush and let me lead you." She mumbles something under her breath but, doesn't fight me any more, I lead her upstairs through the bedroom and into the bathroom. "I'm going to undress you now, but we are not having sex."

"You really think you had to tell me that?"

"Thought better safe than sorry." I say sitting her on the toilet seat and taking her shoes off. I slide her shirt over her head and toss it in the hamper. Very slowly I reach behind her and unclasp her bra. I have seen her naked a thousand times but I have never touched her before not without clothes.

"You okay?" She ask feeling my hesitation.

"Promise not to laugh?" I ask standing her up slowly.

"You know I wouldn't." I stare at the button of her jeans afraid to touch it."

"I'm really nervous and scared right now." A smile cracks her lips.


"I've never touched your naked body before."

"It was bound to happen eventually. I'm cool." She knows how to talk to me I swear and with that I have all the courage I need. I  pop her button and slide her jeans over her curvaceous hips and thighs. She steps out of them and I toss them into the hamper, Very nervously I pull down her panties. I help her in the tub, flip my ear piece on, and remove her blindfold.

"You can't come out until I come get you and the blind fold goes back on."

"Yes sir." She says saluting.

"I'm serious love."

"I know, alright I'll be here." I slide the little cooler forward, grab a beer, pop the top, and hand it to her. "I'm liking the surprise so far. Thank you for this relaxation time babe."

"It's not over yet." I say smiling, I been down and kiss the top of her forehead. "I'll be back twenty minutes tops." She nods and slides down in the tub after sipping her beer. I head back downstairs and outside.

"So have you given any thought as to how we are going to get bedroom stuff put away without raising an alarm?"

"Shadow's alarms are already blaring I'm hoping we don't find any bedroom stuff."

"Yeah we should have planned extra for her nothing gets by her."

"No we are getting by just she knows something is up, she doesn't know what though."

"Right well you said twenty minutes so we better get started." He says and we take off grabbing four boxes unloading and unpacking as fast as we can. Twenty minutes later we are done, we paid a couple of college kids on break to take the trucks to my garage downtown. I go back to Shadow.

"I just knew you were going to be longer than twenty minutes." She laughs that beautiful laugh of hers, almost angelic.

"I could never keep my lady waiting." I smirk and grab a towel, handing it to her. She stands up and wraps it around her. I help out of the tub and lead her to the bathroom. "I know you like sleeping in your bra and undies but when I saw that a few weeks ago, all I could see was you." I say as she spots the purple and black night gown and robe I laid out on the bed.

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