Chapter 15: Killing Day

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Sorry this chapter is going to be kind of long but, it should be one of the best ones yet!***************************************************************************************

Jace's POV

I role over and feel Shadow's weight beneath me, her warm and soft skin brushing against my body making me shiver. She roles over and her hand lands on my penis and I almost have a heart attack. I slowly grab her hand and move it to my chest, which she follows by throwing her leg on me. I can't take any more and just as I'm about to wake her up she groans.

"I love you  Jace Greystone." She murmurs in her sleep and I can't she's dreaming of me and saying what she dare not say conscious. Does she really love me? "Please don't go, I need you." She mumbles. "Take me." She says and I can't take it anymore.

"Good morning love." I whisper in her ear and she jolts awake grabbing a pistol from somewhere and pointing it straight ahead. I can't help but to laugh.

"Don't we at least speak before we start making fun of people."

"I woke you up speaking. Were you dreaming about me?"

"You a mind reader?" 

"No but, you were talking in your sleep." She looks at me.

"What did I say?"

"You said you loved me. Is that true?" She looks shocked.

"I honestly don't know." She says looking down and almost sad.

"That's ok if you don't know yet but some part of you has its mind made up. I was wondering if you would be up for finishing up with the gang after we take care of dad's people."

"Killing day sounds like a plan. " She says getting up and heading to her closet. "What time are we going to your dads?"

"He said he'd call sometime this morning. What are you doing over there?" I ask getting up to see how she is in her closet. When I get to the door I see that she has somehow added a secret room with more weapons than I would feel comfortable having in one place and assassin outfits for days. "Is this what we are wearing today."

"This is a killing day I would like to wear the proper attire." I nod as she picks her outfit and heads to the shower. I head downstairs and start to fix breakfast, thought I would surprise her. Just as I'm setting the table Shadow comes down. "Wow you cooked how nice." She says beaming. Some one knocks on the door, I get up to see who it is.

"Just in time for breakfast but I cooked in case you don't want it."

"Don't be like that your cooking is good just not a little slice of heaven." Jason say laughing. "Your dad call yet?"

"No not yet."

"What's he waiting for? He usually is quick to get on with these things."

"He's asked Shadow to give Pete an ass whooping."

"Why would he do that?" 

"Because I was right Peter is sexually assaulting women and some of the very women that are working for your father."

"That slimy fucking prick. Why didn't your dad ask you?" Jason asks me.

"Because no one gives an ass whooping like Shadow she could hurt him in every way possible and not kill him. I probably would try to kill him."

"Well you got a point there." He says as my phone rings, its a text from dad with the address of where to meet him."

"You ready love?" She nods and we head out the door. It's a two hour drive two the abandoned plant, actually the place where the gang that killed mom used to be. Shadow brought a small bag with a few of her favorite weapons. We enter the building and step into a room that has been completely cleared out.

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