Chapter 12: Getting Acquainted

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I wake that morning feeling the warmth of Jace behind me. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I can't fight it any longer. He's driving me insane, such a sweet talker, which makes me wonder if maybe this is a little too easy. I trace my finger on muscle outline of his muscle, wondering if he really means it. I hear a knock on the door. I slide off the bed, grab a robe and see who it is.

"Morning, Shadow. Jace wasn't home, so I assume he's over here." 

"He's still in bed; you want me to wake him?" I ask.

"Actually, no, I wanted to talk to you. I'd prefer you not tell him, though."

"Is everything alright?" I say, ushering him towards the chair.

"Yes, everything is fine. I just wanted to tell you that Jace is in love with you. I know he hasn't told you yet. He was waiting for you to at least admit that you like him and everything about you says you like him but you."

"So what are you saying."

"I know you've been thinking about it, weighing your options, but give him a chance. He won't break your heart, this much I know." I'm absolutely stunned by what he is saying.

"You really believe that? I'm tired of going through shit. I moved to get away from shit."

"Yes, he told his dad that he had feelings for you when he asked. You're the only woman in his gang because he never wants you anywhere that he can't make sure your safe, the same reason why he wants you at his club. I bet you are gonna be a server and barkeep, not one of his dancers. If a man tries to touch you, he'll break their arm or worse. Give him a chance to show you something you've never seen." I melt, and I know he saw it before I could pull myself together.

"Ok, I'll see." He nods, gets up, and leaves. I go back upstairs to find Jace still sleeping. I slip out of my robe and back in bed.

"Where have you been, love?" I hear in my ear.

"My mom called, and I didn't want to wake you." He pulls me tight.

"She sounds like a handful." He murmurs.

"She is. She has always been. I've been doing some heavy thinking about what you said last night."

"And?" He questions.

"Well, I think it's ok for me to take a chance. My dad says that I don't take enough, and you haven't given me any reason to think you might be lying, so if you really want to try and make a relationship work, we can give it a try." He spins me to face him.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yes." He kisses me like he never has before. It's full of passion, love, and intensity. His lips are soft but firm. I am breathless and pull away, but he holds me still.

"No more pulling away." He says in between kisses. He wraps his tongue around mine and moans. He holds me tight squeezing my sides real hard. I push him back.

"Why are you squeezing me so hard it hurts."

"Because you didn't say I could touch you."

"Are you going to squeeze me every time?"

"Every time we are not in public." He growls.

"I'd much rather you touch me then."

"Ok, love. Can I finish now?  I nod, and he pulls me back to him and kisses me more intensely, the first running one hand through my hair and the other up and down my back. I wrap my arms around his neck, and he falls into me, nearly making me faint. I run my hand over his shirt, feeling his abs, and he moans in my mouth. He pulls his shirt off without letting my lips go. "Don't worry, I don't want to go there yet, but I prefer walking around my home shirtless. He laughs.

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