Chapter 17: Meeting her Mom

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Jace's POV

Shadows alarm goes off at exactly for o'clock, I notice that I don't feel her warmth beneath me. I open my eyes to find her sitting on the edge of the bed. "Are you alright love?"

"Yes I'm fine." She says.

"Then why are you up before the alarm?"

"I really was hoping not to have to go home ever again after I left. I don't miss home and really don't want to go back."

"Is your mom really that bad?"

"She's the only reason why I wanted to move and never go back. Her and dad got a divorce before I left so he's only coming to help my ant and me with mom, she's doing this on purpose because she knew dad and I would come." She says getting up.

"Yeah well I guess she is that bad. I'm sorry she is that way." 

"Don't be sorry for her it's no one's fault but hers dad always did right by her and everything in his power to make her happy and prove that he was loyal to her, when in reality she was the one being unfaithful. She has been cheating on dad for a long time and he knew and never once said anything to her about it but she accused him everyday since the day she started." She opens the door. "JASON GET UP!!" She yells, I start to tell her that it wasn't going to work. "JASON!!"

"I'm up, I'm up jeez." She closes the door and starts to get dressed. I clear my throat.

"What?" She asks not turning around.

"Your going to change in front me?" 

"I trust you, why should I not?"

"No I just thought it would take you longer to let me see you naked."

"Well I sleep in my bra and underwear and you haven't touched me and since I can't tell you how I feel, I figure you could at least see me in all my glory in case you want to take it back." She says. I won't tell her this but, I know she has feelings for me, she dreamed of me for the last few nights, she knows it to she just can admit it to herself.

"I won't every take it back, no matter what I see underneath but I will add your under is just as beautiful as your face."

"Oh yeah even if I told you there's a third nipple under this bra?"

"All the more fun." I say and she laughs.

"Okay I believe you but there isn't one just so you know." We grab our suitcases and head downstairs to the cab."

"You two sleep ok?" Jason asks.

"Yes we did and you?" Jace asks.

"Great actually what kind of mattresses do you have?"

"I don't know Jason. But I have a hundred more in one of my storages." Shadow says.

"Can I buy one?"

"Yeah I'll have to check my inventory to figure out which one they're in." Forty-five minutes later we arrive at the airport. Once we pass through customs and board the plane. Shadow leans on my shoulder and falls asleep. I wrap my arm around her thinking she might be more comfortable on my chest.

"She must be exhausted huh?" Jason asks.

"I think she just resting up for her mom?"

"She really sounds like a handful."

"Yeah she does, Shadow was running away from her she wouldn't even tell her where she moved to keep her from being able to come see her. I would never have met her if not for her mother."

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