Chapter 20: Home Sweet Home

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I wake the boys up at five-thirty that morning. Ant Cat of course was up and had a big breakfast waiting when we came down stairs with our luggage.

"I thought you could use the energy."

"You didn't have to do that, we would have been fine bad enough you're staying with mom and you shouldn't have to."

"She told me something last night that threw me off guard about you friend there."

"What was that?"

"That he told her last night he loved you and he wanted to get married and have children,"

"Yeah he told dad to."

"She said she didn't buy it for one bit, that he's putting on an act. I just wanted him to tell me, if he told your father and he blessed it I don't think I have anything to worry about but, I would like to hear for myself." She looks at Jace.

"Yes ma'am. I don't just love your niece I'm in love with her, I have been stuck on her since the first day I saw her and sneaked my way into her life so I could still be with her every day until the day she realized I wasn't going anywhere and agreed to be my girlfriend and I do hope one day she will marry me and have beautiful little children running around."

"That's good enough for me. I hope you have a wonderful fight and I'll be calling to fill you in on your mom."  I hug ant Cat and we head out the door.

"I assume non of your relatives have any children?" Jace asks.

"How'd you know?"

"Your ant's eyes told me that if I didn't convince her she would kill me where I stood,"

"My ant looked like that because she was my assassin trainer." The boys jaws dropped to the floor. "Don't look so surprised, I had to learn it from somewhere, my ant paid for my entire assassin training took me to different places all over the world so I could learn every kind of fighting and killing method known to man. She is the reason why I am the bad ass I am today,"

"You guys don't look that close." Jason observes.

"Well that was some of the only time that we spent together and she wasn't very nice considering she was training me for the worst possible situations. My training was so tough because my ant would never forgive herself if something happened to me in the field so she made sure that I was prepared for anything, which makes the education she gave way better than most assassins. I didn't ever get mad at her, but by the time I finished my training without dropping out of school I was fifteen and the market for assassins was high. My training also taught me that in order to get anywhere I would have to make a name for myself so I started soon after I finished training. We just didn't have the time to talk." The boys look at me in astonishment. 

"My mind is blown." Jason says.

"It's the truth. We are here" I say as we pull into the airport drop off." The cab driver helps unload probably hoping for a bigger tip. I hand him a fifty when we are done, we go through customs, and bored our plan. Since it was my birthday and I was officially twenty-one I treated myself and the boys to a first class flight home.

"You are freaking insane you paid for three first class tickets?" Jace scolds.

"Once daddy gets you your funds from when your mom was in the FBI, you'll see why these tickets meant nothing they didn't even put a dent in the funds I have available to me. I'm supposed to call once we're home to finish helping him set things up so you can get your money."

"Is it really going to be that much?" Jason asks.

"Well, how long was she in the FBI?" I ask Jace.

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