Chapter 9: The Plan

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Jace's POV

I wake up when I feel something turn next to me. I look down and suddenly remember where I am. She is beautiful, she has rolled over on my chest and I watch her sleep. She smiles as she inhales and my heart melts. Wait, I thought she had a shirt on when we went to bed I lift the covers just a little and find that she is only in her bra and underwear. I quickly let the cover down I lay my head back and focus on feeling her skin, I close my eyes. All of a sudden I feel something tickle my chest, I slit my eyes to see her tracing my muscles.

"Good morning love." She jumps, yanks her handoff, and scoots back. "I didn't say eff off." I laugh.

"I know but I like you better when you sleep." She laughs and gets up.

"Where are you going?"

"To have a shower, you should go check on your friend I doubt he's up yet, but he might need some ice for his jaw if he is."

"Oh no you don't, he's not even gonna know where he is, what happened, or nothing and you expect me to explain it to him?" She stops digging in her closet and turns to face me.

"I did not say that I said make sure he's ok, I'm pretty good at controlling how much force I use but I have found that it's a little hard to judge when I am under the influence. I've put people in comas like that before." She turns back to her closet.

"Ok, I'm going," I say. "Would you like some breakfast we have a busy day today?"

"Busy?" She questions.

"Well we have to get the details of the plan worked out and you are my third in command now right?" She stops digging through her draw and thinks about it.

"I've been in a gang before but never had a position with power, could be fun." She smiles to herself before turning back to what she was doing. "If I go get my own things can I shower here?"

"You are going to have to stay home at some point you know?" She asks rolling her eyes.

"Yes, but I won't until you tell me to leave and I know you mean it."

"Sure." She says closing the bathroom door, I get up and head downstairs to make sure Jay is still breathing. He is alive but still knocked out, his nose is broken and his jaw is swollen otherwise he is unharmed. I go across the hall to my room to get some clothes and things, my phone rings.


"Son, how are you?"

"Good and you sir?"

"Very well thank you, are you busy tonight?"

"Maybe why?"

"I need for you to come help me with a little problem."

"How little because I recruited a new member and I have to get her sworn in, she's my new third in command," I say heading back across the hall.

"She?" My dad asks.

"Yes she, why is that a problem?"

"You have feelings for her no?"

"That has nothing to do with why she's in the gang, father you've seen me with hundred of girls but how many of them are actually in my gang."

"Would I know her?"

"No, but you might remember an assassin that no one ever caught."

"Night Shade." He growls. "She was hired to kill many of my men, luckily none were any good. Yes, I suppose I misjudged you, but you do have feelings?"

"Yes father, she's absolutely amazing."

"Yes well maybe if you finish, you come help me eh. Maybe bring girlfriend."


"I have something I need to get done and I think she beyond qualifies."

"You have no idea, ok I'll see what I can do." I hang up and she comes down dressed in dark blue jeans and blue camisole that really makes her face pop.

"I'll cook you go bath and when you come back Jason over there will be awake." I go upstairs to her bathroom and shower. Twenty minutes later I'm out and on my way back downstairs.

"I'm so sorry."

"What are you apologizing for, I kicked your ass remember." I hear her beautiful laugh like harps.

"I was being a dick, that's what."

"Nice to see that you have worked out your differences." I laugh.

"Yes well if for the sake of not wanting to die young, I can admit when I am wrong and I was way wrong about her." He looks at me. "He called you this morning didn't he?"

"He wants to meet her." He says as we sit down to eat.

"She's not even sworn in yet."

"After," I stated coldly.


"He thinks he has a job for her."

"Excuse me but, I am sitting right here."

"Sorry, we will discuss that later for now we need to get this plan laid out in detail then we'll get you sworn in. A few of the guys probably won't be happy, you'll have to kick a few asses to prove your point, and then we'll get you caught up on your position. Oh and the gang doesn't know about the heist if you wouldn't mind keeping it quiet. I have quite a few nonloyal members in my gang, partly what I would like you to do."

"I need to know what the man likes for girls to look like. I don't do the makeup thing so I hope I don't need it." She says sternly.

"You wear a really tight dress and a tall pair of heels you won't need it," Jason says and she nods.

"Ok so you will go in and sit at the bar, that's always the first place he looks. Try to look vulnerable, I know that's not easy but it'll help." She nods again. "He'll send one or two of his men to bring you back to him, once you in his office find the safe, the code to the safe, and then the little black book out the safe."

"Will he ask his men to leave?" She asks.

"If you can pull off the innocent look definitely." Jason chirps in and she nods again.

"Jace before we do this I will need to pick up a few things. I hope you like purple."

"Why?" I ask.

"How have you guys survived so long, this dude is going to be pretty pissed I can imagine I'm not going in there with my blue hair I like it I want to keep it for a little while." She grins, so that's why her hair is blue it helps keep her under the radar, well constantly dying it does. "Once I have the book I can leave right?"

"Yes, the next part won't come till later, once we've figured out a game plan to safely steal everything from under his nose," I say and she nods again.

"So did you alert the gang?" Jason asks.

"Yes, but we will have to bump the time up a little."

"Yes, cuz Mr. Greystone can be a very ugly man. Does she know what she's about to face?" He asks genuinely concerned.

"Yes, but do you really think we need to worry or that she even needed the heads up." Jason looks at her she is washing the dishes he leans forward.

"We are about to see." He whispers and gets up from his chair, he sneaks up behind her and swings, but she blocks him. "Yeah no, I guess not then." We sit around her house until it's time to go.

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