Chapter 10: Sworn In

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We take my SUV because Jason really wanted to drive it and after checking his license and being sure that it was real I give in. Jace offers me a shotgun but I declined. We drive for what feels like hours I memorize the ride in case this is all just a ploy, don't get me wrong they have done nothing to make me feel like they are lying but, you can never be too careful. We pull into a parking huge parking lot, the building almost looks abandoned if not for the fifty cars already here. Three men come rushing out the door with rifles pointing them at my car, I reach under my seat and press the button releasing my weapons I take one of the pistols and slip it under my shirt then grab another Jace grabs my hand. 

"It's ok they don't recognize the car is all." We get out of the car, the men lower their weapons as we walk to the door.

"Oy, we were about to blast you to kingdom come, you could have said you'd be in a different car." One of the men says.

"Wasn't expecting to be," Jace says simply.

"What about her?" The meanest looking of the three asks.

"She's our new third in command." He says grabbing my hand and pulling me inside. "Welcome to home base, this is where we handle all gang business and where the members that don't have places of their own stay." He leads me down a long hall and into a big room that has lots of tables and a stage with a  smaller table on it with three chairs lined up behind the table. We head to the steps to the stage as everyone else piles at the tables. He sits me to his right and Jason takes his seat to the left, he then walks to the podium with a microphone on it. "Good morning everyone."

"Good morning." The crowd shouts

"I know today is not our usual meeting day but I ran across someone last night who I think would make a very valuable asset to our family. She will be our new third in command, she has qualifications that you gentlemen can't even imagine.  How many of you have heard of the assassin Night Shade who has never been caught?" The majority of the men in the room raise their hands. "And how many of you think you could do what she has done?" No one raises their hand. "Well, she is Night Shade and has done quite a bit more than that, which means her qualifications outranks any of yours so deal with it. You know that I don't bite my tongue she is here as my third in command but she will also be purifying the gang, helping to fish out those of you who aren't loyal to me anymore and get rid of you."

"This is some bull shit!" One of the men from the door shouts. I stand up and walk to the podium, Jace turns to me smiles, and goes to take his seat.

"If you think that to be true come up here and prove it, if you think that I'm not worthy or feel like you can't trust me to come up here and tell me to my face. If you think that I am not who Jace says I am come up here and try to put me down. This goes for any of you, don't think I haven't noticed there are no women in this room and don't think for one second that bothers or intimidates me, I have fought men way worse than any of you in this room combined but don't take my word for it, come up here and prove it." I say staring at the crowd and the man from the door stands and heads for the stage. I take a few steps back from the podium.

"That was supposed to be my position and I'll be damn if I let some badass wannabe stop me."

"You were supposed to have this job, why? You reek of backstabber. You are one of the very men who I have been hired to sniff out, which means I can kill you." He growls with anger as he climbs the stage. Once he steadies himself on his feet I kick his jaw lose as he falls to the floor I grab the hem of his shirt and yank him to his feet, I take two steps back and he unleashes a hoard of blows and I duck every one through punches to his lower abdomen. He throws a fist with all his might I grab it mid-punch and break his arm. He howls in pain. "Tell him before I put you down all the info you sold," I say slamming to his knees and turn him to face Jace pulling the microphone down to him. He looks up at me and spits in my face, I drop my elbow and break his nose. "TELL HIM!" I shout.

"Ricky Santiago knows things he's the only one I sold info to and nothing major." He says quickly. I pull out my gun and shoot him in the legs. " You stupid little bitch." He growls.

"LIES!" I shout.

"He knows about the two warehouses with the drugs in them, that's it I swear." No, it isn't. I grab him by his throat with my arm, wrap my legs around his waist, and squeeze. "He knows where your dad is." I snap his neck. I stand and walk to the podium.

"I know that those of you who aren't loyal are going to go about this in a pussy like manner and then it will be too late I don't know who you are but Jace does so don't go running because I never lost my ability to hunt people to the ends of the earth and back if that's what it takes. You know Jace is going to have you killed, I'm giving you the opportunity now to come forward it'll be quick and painless unlike your friend here but if you make me do this the hard way it will be a lot slower and more painful than your friend here. I haven't known him that long and I know Jace isn't going to let you go, so I know you know. Make it easy for yourself, you need to understand that Jace didn't ask me here for no reason I'm so good at what I do I know which of you are loyal and which are not, but if you can't be a man and fess up I'm just going to come after each of one at a time and make you wish you had accepted my offer. If you think that I'm not that good say so I'll pick someone to try me unless there's a volunteer." The biggest of the men from the door stands up.

"Freddie was my friend and you killed him, you had no proof he did anything."

"Oh no see the difference between me and the rest of the world is everyone give off tells about everything said and done around them, you and your friend and about fifty other men gave tells when Jace said why I was here. I'm very good at profiling ask Jason. "You gonna come up here and fight for your friend?" I tease.

"You stupid little bitch, how dare you to think you can come up in here talking to me like that."

"Bring it you lying stealing son of a bitch." I laugh and step back taking a stance. He climbs on the stage taking his. He swings first and lands on in the square of my jaw. I uppercut him as he does, then roundhouse him, he stumbles back a few steps and I throw blow after blow until he can't stand anymore. I drag him to the mic. "Now spill your guts before I do."

"I-I-I stole from the last few heists I've done, I told you killed that dude you wanted dead but he isn't I let him go he paid me to. Please don't kill me." I look to Jace he shakes his head.

"Well, you should have thought about that before you stole." I place the gun to the back of his head and pull the trigger. Only four more men decide they didn't want to be tortured.  When we are finished we leave the men to clean up the mess and think about what they are going to do I gave the other forty or so men two days to come forward.

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