Chapter 13: The Job Pt.1

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I awake the following day. It's early Jace is still asleep. He looks peaceful, almost happy, which according to Jason, is something that he hasn't had a lot of in his life. I get up and go downstairs to the bathroom. I begin prepping for my hair for dying. An hour later, I've finally finished dying my hair. Purple looks good on me, but I knew that. It's been purple before, for a heist a while back. There's a knock at the door, and I go to see who it is. It's Jason.

"Good morning." He smiles; I step back to let him in.

"Good morning."

"Is he still asleep?"

"Yes, you want me to wake him?"

"No, it's fine. The job isn't till later."

"Can I get you something to eat?" I ask.

"No, I wanted to say thank you."

"For what?"

"Giving him a chance. I know it was a lot to ask, but he has been through a lot, and I honestly haven't seen him this happy with anyone, and he's been with a lot of people not to diminish his character." 

"There's no diminishing him, and I know what type of person he is. I've done just as much shit as he has. I've slept around again. I have done everything under the sun just because I wanted to rebel against my parents. My mother is a surgeon, and my dad's job is to hunt people down like me, and I have done everything possible to make their jobs harder. Pulling heists around home purposely hurting people just so I could hear mom come home and tell me about her day, dad coming home telling me about Night Shade and another alias I went by at some point." His jaw drops.'

"Yeah, well, I guess you two are a match made in heaven."

"Yeah, I'd say so." I hear that dark and rich voice behind me.

"Good morning, babe," I said before standing and turning to greet him. He kisses me profoundly but quickly.

"Jason, you're here early." Jason smiles.

"Yeah, I wanted to tell Shadow personally, as your best friend, how lucky she is." He looks at me and lights up.

"I'm not worried, Jay. I was just messing with you; Shadow would never have slept with you." 

"What makes you say that?" Jason stands.

"You're not her type, don't get me wrong, I'm sure her type varies, but I bet she has never slept with a guy like you. I know you'd never sleep with her to mean for your tastes." Jason looks at me.

"He's right, and my type varies greatly," I state.

"Your hair is purple," Jace says.

"Yeah, the job is tonight. I told you I like my blue hair."

"I like purple better." 

"Me too," Jason says.

"Well, it's purples turn for heists. I have a strict coloring cycle; it's part of the reason I can keep my identity concealed."

"But I really like purple."

"Wait till you see green which is next. I break my cycle for nothing." His smile drops. "Who wants breakfast?"

"I do!" They both shout in response, I didn't think that would work, but they seem to love my cooking; I begin fixing breakfast as my phone rings.


"Hi honey, how are you?"

"I'm a good mom. Are you taking care of yourself?"

"Your ant has been here for a while." She admits. "That's why I called; she wanted to talk to you."

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