Chapter 6: First Encounter

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My alarm goes off at five-thirty since I no longer have to beat my parents, I have gone back to getting up at five. I go to the kitchen and start coffee in my brand new coffee brewer. I think today will be a chill day until later, I have decided to go out to make daddy happy. Until then though I think I'm just going to get used to my new home, I make my coffee and go get a long t-shirt, and sit in the living room to watch the weather. I shut the tv off and just as I'm about to fix breakfast, there's a knock on the door. Who could it be at six in the morning I open it only to find the most handsome man I have ever seen. He was tall handsome and had the body to fit. He was just standing there staring at me. "Can I help you, sir?" He snaps out of his trance.

"Good morning beautiful my name is Jace Greystone, I live across the hall, I just wanted to introduce myself."

"At six in the morning?" He looks down.

"I well - I couldn't sleep last night and I heard you bustling about." He takes a breath. "I came this early because I really wanna get to know you." I smile to myself this boy is funny he dresses like me but talks like, prince charming.

"And how is that and this is the first time we're meeting?"

"I saw you yesterday while you were moving in and I haven't been able to get you off my mind since." He smiles a sorta cocky smile, trying to make me melt, thinking that he's so fucking charming. Almost buddy.

"Oh is that so?" I look at him he looks down with a glimmer of genuine disappointment. Hmmm... "Ok I was about to fix breakfast are you hungry?" He perks up trying to hide the excitement.

"Yes, I'd love to eat." He chuckles. His voice is smooth, dark, and rich, like velvet. I step back and let him in.

"I love what you've done to the place, dark yet colorful." He smiles to himself.

"Thanks, you can help yourself to the couch and tv, there's coffee in there on the counter cups in the cabinet above. I'm going to get dressed if you don't mind." He smirks, it looks so evil, it sends chills down my spine. "What?" He laughs.

"I know that I'm not making you uncomfortable, and I like the view so why not stay In your nights?" Oh, he's good.

"Because I have a schedule and messing around with you I'm behind already." He ponders what I have said.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to disrupt you. Can I help in any way? Do you have plans today?"

"My aren't you curious? But since you've asked, Do you know how to cook? My plans are none of your business." I tell him sternly, who does he think he is my dad.

"Yes, I do know how to cook.  I only asked because if you weren't busy I would like to discuss something with you." I am shocked that he said yes. 

"Well while I'm showering and getting dressed you can start cooking. What could we possibly have to discuss?" I ask as I show him to the kitchen.

"Yes ma'am. Let's talk about that while we are taking care of breakfast. By the way, I know you showered last night I heard it running." He says standing directly behind me, Oh hell no he did not. I turn to face him.

"So what I can't shower three times a day if I want. I'd much prefer you tell me now." I say standing my ground.

He steps closer to me, moving a loose strand of hair back in its place. "If it pleases you. But I don't think your showering." He whispers, I eye him suspiciously.

"So what am I doing then?" I question.

"You're going to try and put yourself back together." He's very good, this will be interesting.

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