Chapter 14: The Job Pt. 2

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Thirty minutes later we arrive at the club, I arrive two minutes early. I enter the club and go straight to the bar asking for a scotch. After an hour and four scotches later two men walk up behind me.

"Escuse me ma'am." I turn to face the men looking a little frieghtened. "The owner of the club would like to have a word with you." I stand.

"A-a-am I in trouble." I say playing the role.

"Na ma'am everything is fine, just follow us." The men lead me to the back of the club and to a room at the very end of the hall, they open the door and as I step inside the close it.

"I have not seen you here before." A voice comes from behind a chair facing a wall of TV's.

"I just moved here, checking out some of the clubs and bars around here." I say looking at my hands as he turns to look at me. He's not old like I thought, he looks about my age and very handsome, this'll be a piece of cake. 

"Are you looking for work?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"Well when you first walked in I thought I would hire you for a dancer." He stands and walks over to my chair placing a hand in my hair. "But seeing you up close, I think I want you to be by my side when I go places and be my pretty face." He places his hand on my shoulder.

"I will need a down payment." He spins my chair to face him, he leans in real close.

"I will need a little reassurance." He leans in closer, I bite into the sleeping pill I made earlier. " How bout a kiss?" I nod and he leans in kisses me, it's rough and lust full I shove my tongue in his throat and drop the capsule. He leans away. "That was breathtaking, you think I could pay you extra to give me a little treat?" He says walking to where he has his safe hidden and put in the code.

"I'm a little high when it come to that stuff. You sure you can afford me?" I ask as he open the safe. He turns and rushes me so fast I almost don't have time to react he picks me up and set me on his sofa. He kisses on my neck and I fake a moan.

"Oh my dear you could charge three-." His body falls slack, I sit him up on the chair and pull his pants and boxers to the floor. I then pull the little cum concoction I whipped up, pour it a condom and carefully set it on his penis. I go to the safe take my payment for the "sex" and the little black book, placing another in its place and putting all back the way he had it. I write a note thanking him for the sex and sadly declining his other offer, lastly I ruffle my clothes and hair to make it seem the same to the guards. I open the door and the men look at me. I step out.

"Sorry gents I couldn't get his pants back up, they always fall asleep on me I don't know why." I say soothing my hair a bit. They nod and let me through, I go out the way I came in and head straight for the exit. A car pulls around the back and I hop in.

"Well?" Jason asks probably hoping I failed. I take out the book and hand it to them. "Well I'll be damned. How did you do that and in one night?"

"A girl never kisses and tells."

"I have to know." Jace says.


"Please." They say together.

"Fine I got him to kiss me where I shoved a sleeping pill down his throat, he opened  his safe to give me a down payment for his job offer, and then distracted him for the remaining thirty seconds till it kicked in. Swiped the book and told his guards I didn't know why they always fell asleep on me."

"I can't believe it was that easy." Jason says.

"It wasn't only a highly skilled and trained person could pull that off, if she had mistimed that even a second it would have been all hell on wheels." Jace says and Jason nods.

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