Chapter 19: Dad's Blessing

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I awoke that morning in a familiar but unfamiliar place. I knew I was home but, something was off about it. I turned to see Jace still fast asleep not wanting to wake him I got up and went downstairs for coffee.

"Good morning darling."

"Morning daddy."

"Jace asleep?" I turned to face him.

"Yeeees. Why?"

"I just wanted to talk to you."

"About?" I question.

"Him." Well I knew dad didn't really play video games but, I didn't think he would have come to a decision already. I sit down at the bar with my coffee. "You know I think he might actually be a good guy, I could tell right from the beginning just how much he loves you."

"How's so?"

"When he shook my hand his palms were so wet I thought he had his hands in water before I came in. When we were upstairs he never spoke anything bad about you, he tried very hard to keep his mouthy friend from saying to much in fear he would offend me. The love is in his eyes every time he see you, talks about you or, hears you. I could see the truth burning through his chest when he said he would never leave your side unless and only you tell him to fuck off."

"And your professional assessment?" I question.

"Well when it comes to my daughters heart I don't think I should use my professional opinion, however even that doesn't see one flaw in his love for you or the fact that he really wants to be in a relationship and marry you one day." I nod if dad doesn't have anything bad to say maybe I can listen to my heart and see this thing through to the end. I look at him with squinted eyes. "Yes in short terms if you love him tell him, be happy and make it work I honestly don't think he would ever wrong you in anyway." I feel like my heart skips a beat when I hear this and it's like all the feelings I was holding back about him just explodes through me, I think my dad see this. "Go to him." I'm outta there in two seconds.


"Yes." He mumbles sleepily.

"I need to tell you something." He opens his eyes and flies up.

"Are you ok?" I grab his arm and sit him back down.

"I love you Jace Greystone." Surprise and shock cross his face.

"That's exactly what you said that day you were dreaming of me." He takes my hands. "I love you too Shadow Heart." Then he kisses me and just when I thought he couldn't kiss me any better, I don't even have the words to describe how much passion, emotion, and feeling is in this kiss for a second I think I might faint. Something hits me in that moment, where is mom.

"Jace do you smell something funny?" I ask in between kisses, he stops and sniffs the air.

"Now that you mention yeah I smell it." I get up and run downstairs to the backyard.


"I thought about what you said last night and came to the horrible reality of things, I blamed my personal problems on you and dad when all I had to do was except reality and move on as you and your father did. I put myself in every predicament that I have been in and have no one to blame but myself. I saw how much that boy of your cared for you last night when you were doing what you do best. I will not have you come back until it is your choice, I have fucked up I have made a lot of mistakes and will understand if I don't see you in a while. That boy will do anything for you and to keep you safe I won't worry you to death any more. I am truly sorry for everything I have done." She says and I am absolutely stuck, I don't know what to say this is something that she has never done before could I really have finally opened her eyes up or is she just super coning my ass."

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