Chapter 22: Peace and Quiet

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Jace's POV

"So you wanna help me get my stuff organized?" 

"You want help." She asks smiling. There's a knock on the door. "It's open." She shouts. Christy comes in.

"We didn't swap numbers." She says handing her a notebook and pen, she writes her number down. "I'll text you when I get back across the hall."

"You two want to come over for dinner later?"

"Sure sounds great." She says heading for the door.

"I want help if you're going to give it."

"Yeah I'll help, just let me get my last load in the washer and I'll be up." 

"Okay I'm going to start in the bedroom." I say and head upstairs. She has her dressers against the far wall on the left of the bed so I slide mine on the left side at the top of the room and start putting clothes away.

"Doesn't look like you need my help." She says standing at the door way.

"No I didn't I just wanted company while I worked."

"I coulda brought my laptop, if you has just said hey babe keep me company while I work." She laughs and goes back downstairs. A few minutes later she returns with her laptop and four boxes.

"Where did that come from?"

"Some stuff I ordered last week." I nod going to the room and getting some more stuff that goes in the bedroom, when I finish moving all the things that I need in the bedroom or bathroom. She has already emptied the boxes with the items now covering the bed, she is playing music and dancing around the room putting stuff away. I watch her from the door as she dances from the bed to the closet or the dresser, or the bathroom and back again. I finally snap out of my trance and go back to putting my things away.

"You know some of that stuff goes in the kitchen."

"Yes I know, why?" She asks.

"Cuz you coulda left them in the box."

"I had to make sure everything was in there and undamaged."

"Makes sense." I say going back to work. By the time I finish getting all my things organized she, has done already put her things away including  the things from the kitchen. I look at her. "You let me win that bet didn't you?"

"No why would you ask that."

"I had less stuff than you and you beat me done." She smiles.

"I'm going to finish up my clothes and start dinner."

"I'll come down with and look at some TV." She nods and we head downstairs. She goes to the kitchen and starts her preparations then goes in to the laundry room, she comes out of the laundry room dragging with a basket and goes to get two more and sets them in front of the couch. She then goes back into the kitchen and comes out ten minutes later, with two beers handing me one. She sits down and starts folding clothes.

"So after we do these jobs do you think we can seriously talk about settling down?" I ask trying to see if she is really there with me.

"Yes we can talk about it. Have you given any thought as to where you want to live?" She asks.

"We don't have to move to house in California?"

"Not if you don't want to." She says.

"I haven't really thought about it, me and Jason will talk about it and figure out whether or not we want to stay here or see some other part of the world." I say checking for a reaction when I mention that Jay will be moving wherever we do, in his own house of course.

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