Chapter 24: Trips to Florida

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Time has passed by a month and a half, some trips have already been made and Christy is no longer a full on newbie. The suitcases and duffle bags have already been purchased. Also these last two chapters might be real long.

I awake early that morning, shower, throw on clothes, grab a granola bar, and go across the hall to make sure Christy is awake. I knock on the door Jason answers the door in a towel.

"Whoa dude that's what the invented robes for." I say cover my eyes. "Is Christy up?"

"Yeah." Just tell her to head over when she is ready." I say and run back to my apartment.

"Was Jay in a towel?" Jace asks standing in the living room with nothing on.

"Geez what is today? National no boxers day?"

"You're just irritated because Jay was in a towel, I'm always naked." I shake my head though this is true once we got comfortable he started sleeping butt ass naked.

"Whatever you better go get dressed or me and Christy will leave you guys."

"You wouldn't really leave me in the cold would you?"

"Clothes now or else." I grind my teeth.

"Okay I'm going." I role my eyes and go down to start the vans. Chris stops the elevator on the way up.

"Good morning."

"Good morning." I respond. Chris has been increasingly distant, I think it's because he is upset about our leaving. We have been making nothing but trips we try to do two or more a day depending on how the boys feel. Christy only helps load and unload because I have had her do nothing but train in our free time so I do all the driving and boys don't understand why I complain about their complaining, but they drive in shifts, which Christy and I could do if I didn't have her training her ass off. She is a very quick learner I had to teach her a lot in only the two months and only having half a month to go I think she has come a long way and will make an excellent addition to the team.

"You guys have five minutes and Christy your ass better be across this hall already!" I shout as I step out the elevator. Christy is sitting at the bar drinking my damn coffee. "Really, you don't even like coffee."

"Yeah well I'm out of Monster and Jay doesn't have any Red Bull so I need energy."

"You coulda made your own damn cup." I say getting another out of the cabinet.

"Yeah but yours is nice and warm instead of taste bud killing hot. Besides you like yours hot."

"We are in a hurry this morning." I say getting her a Monster from the bottom of the fridge.

"That is why I love you and I didn't even drink any, I don't want that nasty shit." I shake my head and hand her the energy drink. I keep a stash of both here after taking notice that's the only reason Jay and Christy are any use to anyone after a month of non stop hustle. I had spoken to mom and dad several times a day for the last few weeks. I told them that the four of us wanted to see a little bit of the world before we settled down. That we were doing non electronically so I wouldn't be able to call a lot or from my cellphone, which is not a lie we are leaving our phones here we'll have a mic and ear piece for the duration of the job. I swallow my coffee.

"JACE!! JAY!! GET YOUR ASSES MOVING!!" I scream getting slightly agitated and even more so when I don't get a response and then my phone rings.

"I can hear you yelling in the garage. Sorry I didn't yell back, but I don't have the projection." I grab Christy by the shirt.

"Not again." She whispers.

"Jace of all the stupid times to pull this shit and you pick the worst possible day and time you better have your doors locked and hope I decide that matters since its mine." I grit out and hang the phone up.

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