Chapter 16: Preparing for Mom

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I awake that morning and oddly do not feel Jace behind me but, I hear the shower running. It's surprising he beat me awake I roll out of bed and dig up a suitcase, to pack for this visit with mom.

"Good morning love." I hear Jace from the bathroom door. I turn to greet him he is wearing nothing but a towel.

"Good morning. You're up early."

"Well we have an early flight and Jason wanted my help with something before we leave, you have plans for today?"

"Yes I'll be fine you better help him before he hates me for taking you away." I laugh.

"He wouldn't do that. He's happy that I'm happy."

"I was joking, if you bring your clothes and suitcase or cases, I'll have them packed by the time you get home."

"What about your plans?" He questions.

"My plans are to stay home and get drunk because no matter how bad I'll want to it won't help my mom if I drink there."

"Okay I'll bring them over before Jay and I head out."

"You want breakfast?"

"Actually I think we are going to eat later, don't want to spoil my appetite."

"Good point." I laugh "Well I'm going to hop in the shower if you don't mind standing somewhere else half naked."

"I'll be all the way naked if you want." He laughs.

"Not yet." I say and head to the shower. Once I'm out I go back to my packing. Jace is stretched out on the bed in his boxers watching TV.

"Jason said he is running late." He explains when I look at him with an eyebrow raised.

"You get your stuff yet?" He points to one of the dressers where he has his clothes and a few suitcases laid out. He get up and walks over to me. 

"You truly are beautiful. I am in love with you, I know you don't feel that way yet but I needed you to know." I nod and he reaches down to kiss me, passionate and full of longing. It hits me in that moment, the fact that I think I might love him too. There's a knock on the door and he pulls away that's Jason. He kisses me once more and I walk with him downstairs.

"Shadow you're glowing." Jason laughs.

"Oh shut up. You better make sure you're packed and ready to go in the morning the plane leaves at six." 

"Yes ma'am." Jace gives me another quick kiss and heads out the door. I finish my packing, pack up Jace's things, and head downstairs to eat and start drinking. There's a knock on the door.

"Good morning I have those two spares you asked for."

"Thanks Chris."

"No problem you settling in alright?"

"Yes just fine."

"Alright then I'll leave you to it then." He says and turns to go. I set the keys on the bar, grab another beer and head to the office. I pay my monthly expenses and do a little shopping. My phone rings.


"Hi darling.

"Hey daddy, what's up?"

"Just called to see how you are doing."

"I'm doing good. How about you?"

"Doing good, guess what happened to me?"


"I asked that girl and she said yes we are going on a date after I get back from dealing with your mother.

"Dad that's great, see you still got it just like I said."

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