Chapter 11: Dad

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Jace's POV

"Shadow." Jay and I head back to her truck. "I didn't think you'd be that good," I say laughing. 

"Wait." She says as we approach the car.

"What?" I ask. She holds her hand up to me pulls a blade from somewhere and climbs under the truck, two seconds later she climbs from under it with a little bomb in her hand.

"I know who made that," Jason says.

"We will deal with it later, I have to meet my father remember."

"Have you even asked her yet?"

"No that's for the ride back drive," I say climbing in the back with Shadow. "Shadow?"

"Yes." She murmurs.

"My father would like me to bring you with me to his meeting tonight. Says he might have a job for you."

"Well from the way you two have been mentioning him seems like he's not the type you want to piss off." I laugh she is creepy accurate with almost no information she could ruin a man if if she had enough.

"Well no he isn't but he seems to have a fear of Night Shade if you don't want to go."

"I try not to be her anymore, so what should I wear?"

"A nice thigh length dress and your hair down, maybe curl it."

"Your dad's a fucking mobster isn't he?"

"Russian actually."

"Well, at least I know how to dress." She says smiling.

"Don't worry he likes you, because I like you," I say as we pull into the garage.

"Do you think I can still get my Tv?" Jason asks.

"Yeah sure I'll set it up so you can go get it while we are out. You do have your own ride?"

"Yeah of course I just like your truck and wanted to drive it."

"Good then I'll write the address down and you can go get it." She says writing an address down and handing him the paper. "The code is at the bottom and here is the key please don't lose it.  " She looks to me" I'm going to shower and get ready, see you in twenty?" I nod and she goes into her apartment.

"Dude she's a keeper if you get her."

"You don't understand that I'm passed the point of if I have to or I'm going to lose my mind."

"Well she's a keeper when you do." He says heading downstairs. I go into my apartment shower and dress in an all-black tux. I go across the hall to wait for Shadow as I sit on her couch my phone rings.


"Son you are coming no?"

"Yes just waiting on Night Shade to dress."

"What does she call herself?"

"Her name is Shadow."

"Ah beautiful, she'll be perfect."

"For what?"

"The job son. I just called to make sure you were coming see you in a bit." He hangs up, I hear heel-clicking around upstairs. She has to be dressed then, I slowly make my way up there as I reach the door I see her pacing around the room digging through draws, until she finds the one she is looking for a tiny makeup bag. "Don't put that on."

"I should at least cover this bruise."

"No I want my father to see what I have seen, he won't mind the bruise as Night Shade you took out a few of his men, he's familiar and he knows what you are doing for me in the gang." She looks in the mirror I walk up behind her and place my hands on her shoulder. "You are still the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on you'll be fine," I whisper in her ear she shivers slightly.  
"If you say so." She says stand she is wearing a purple thigh-length dress with black heals and her hair down in curls. 

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