But It Wasn't to Talk to People or Make Friends

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Dae rushed home as quick as she could, weighing the pros and cons of informing her parents she made a friend. She decided the exchange of words would end in catastrophe, therefore she would not tell them about Jinyoung.

She opened the door with a bright smile on her face. "I'm home!"

"She's home!" Hyunjin shouted from up the stairs, while Chan and Jeongin pouring out of their rooms. It appeared her arrival was quite a big deal.

Chan began spewing rapid questions out, not letting Dae respond before asking her another.

"How was it? Did you get hurt? Did you talk to anyone? Did anything happen? Are you hungry?"

Dae stood there, letting Chan finish his anxious interrogation before responding simply.

"Truthfully, I watched people enjoy their time at the park from the swing set. The most eventful thing that happened was that I helped a small girl after she fell and cut up her knees and elbows." She hesitated, laughing sheepishly before continuing. "I probably need Foxy to take a look at my ankle again. I forgot to wear my crutches when helping her."

"Dae," Chan drawled, annoyed. "How did you forget such an important thing?"

"She was crying really loud," Dae defended quickly. "I just followed my immediate reaction; which was to help her."

Chan sighed. "I can't be mad at you for helping others," He turned to Jeongin, gesturing to her ankle. "Will you check on her for me?"

"Yeah, come with me, Love."

Jeongin gently leads her to the infirmary, a room she is very familiar with in times like this. Dae hopped on the examination table, swinging her legs back and forth. Jeongin opened his laptop and pulled up Dae's file.

"What activities did you do using your ankle without the crutches," He questioned, not looking up from his computer.

Walked for about four meters on my own; additionally, walked three meters holding thirty Kilograms of weight; put my full weight on my ankle for about three minutes."

Jeongin sighed loudly, peering up at her with an annoying expression, typing what she said in her file. "You disappoint me sometimes,"

"I'm sorry," Dae whined, "They needed help and I couldn't just sit there staring when I knew what to do."

Jeongin cracked a small proud smile, then hid it as quick as it came. He quickly concluded after a brief check-up that Dae's ankle wasn't in worse shape than when she left.

"I don't want to see this happening again," He sternly instructed Dae before he dismissed her. She acknowledged his statement with a sharp nod of her head before exiting the infirmary.

When Dae arrived in her room, she opened her phone to play the limited mobile games she was allowed to have. But before she could open one of the apps, she noticed she had received a text message while she was with Jeongin.

'Hey, I forgot if I had thanked you for helping Ji, so I guess I'll do that now. Thank you!'

Dae's eyes widened, realizing that Stray Kids could easily access her phone's data via any device they have their hands on.

"Why did I give him my number," Dae whined audibly, her heart racing as she tried to think of a solution to her own actions.

'It was no problem! I hope she's doing well!' She responded quickly before deleting his number off her phone in a panic.

'So what are you doing right now?' Jinyoung texted almost immediately after Dae had sent her text, bringing Jinyoung's number back up on Dae's phone. However, this time it was an unknown number.

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