I love her.

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Author's note! This is when Dae broke up with Jinyoung but it's following Jinyoung now, not Dae. Enjoy!

As soon as Dae said those heartwrenching words: "No, we're done Jinyoung." Jinyoung couldn't keep a single emotion at bay.

He always tried to keep his emotions in check, knowing someone out there needs him to be strong. But after he let a single tear slip down his face, there was no hope for emotion stability.

He fully let himself break down, slightly hoping Dae would either laugh it off as a cruel prank, or she would snap out of whatever evil trance she was on and comfort him.

But she stayed put and Jinyoung fell apart, watching him mercilessly.

When she opened her mouth to speak, Jinyoung's hope shot up, wishing utterly she would apologize.

But the words she spoke instead broke his heart more than it ever could.

"Can you go now?"

Jinyoung wanted to scream at her, fight like any "couple" should when there is a onesided love situation. But he fought the urge to, knowing one, they weren't even an actual couple. And two, neither of them seemed to be in the right mindset to start fighting.

So instead, he opted for glancing at her through glassy eyes and helplessly begged.

"I don't know what changed in you. But I'm still going to work hard and keep my side of the deal. I'll be here if you ever want me again."

After that, he quickly ran out, not wanting to hear what Dae had to say back.

He knew he was being too desperate for Dae's heart. He always had that thought in the back of his mind, that Dae was too good for him. But she always reassured him, telling him there was nothing to worry about.

Clearly, there was something to worry about, something to avoid that he didn't.

Jinyoung ran to Jackson's classroom, running at almost inhuman speeds. He threw open the door, before slamming it closed again after he entered.

Jinyoung crashed on the floor immediately after, his back against that door.

He put his knees to his chest and started to sob violently, barely breathing because of how hard his cries were.

Jackson was in the locker room, connected to his classroom when he heard his door slam closed. He quickly walked out of the locker room and saw his adopted son having his heart ripped out of himself.

"Jinyoung?" He softly questioned. "Come here, buddy."

Jinyoung didn't look up from the ground and he jumped up and ran to his father's waiting arms. His face was buried into his right shoulder, his shirt becoming stained with his tears at a rapid pace.

"I did everything for her. I gave my whole everything for her. I don't know what could've gone wrong in two weeks."

Jackson could barely understand him through his heartbroken sobs and his face in his shoulder, but he picked up the gist of what was wrong with Jinyoung.

"Dae broke it off, didn't she?"

Jinyoung nodded before more cries ripped from his chest.

"I love her."

Jackson knew at this moment he wasn't fit to be a father. He didn't know how to handle his son's emotions. Jinyoung was always an independent person, making his job as a father quite easy. But in his true time of emotional support, Jackson's mind ran blank.

He held Jinyoung as he cried, gently petting his head.

After a bit of silent reassurement, Jinyoung looked up, his eyes an unhealthy red.

"I want to go home."

Jackson nodded his head, understanding that he didn't mean the dorms. Jinyoung wanted Jackson's long term support for the day.

"I'm going to give JYP a call and I'll have BamBam give up a ride home, cause they still need the car."

Jackson took Jinyoung's hand, leading him to his chair at his desk. And carefully sitting him down, as if he would break down at any second.

Jackson gave him a nod of reassurement before walking away to call JYP.

A while later, Jackson came back, holding out his hand for Jinyoung to take.

"BamBam is already in the car, ready to go home?"

He slowly nodded his head, following Jackson as he leads them to their car in the lot.

Bambam doesn't say a word on the drive home and opts for looking at Jinyoung sympathetically through the rearview mirror.

He does give a soft "I love you," to him when they reach their house and Jinyoung was exiting the car.

"Is Ji at school currently?" Jinyoung mumbled, sitting at the table while Jackson cooks him something to eat.

"Yeah, Mark usually picks her up and takes her to daycare during his break, but I'll just pick her up when school ends. Do you want to come with?"

"Yeah, it will be nice seeing my sister again."

Jackson gives him his food, sitting across from him at the table.

As Jinyoung's eating, Jackson stares awkwardly at the table, playing with his thumbs.

"I know you want to ask." Jinyoung starts, catching his father's attention. "I don't know why she doesn't want me anymore."

"You don't have to explain anything to me if you don't want to," Jackson cuts in.

"No, I think it's better to talk it out than keep it all in. That's what she told me."

"Just know I'm not good with this whole father thing."

"At least you're letting me fall in love," He mumbles without letting Jackson hear it, stabbing at another bite of food.

"In that case, how did she break it off with you? I know Dae-"

"Please don't say her name." Jinyoung heartbrokenly interrupts. "I can't bear to hear her name in my state right now."

Jackson bows slightly, muttering an apology. "I know her quite well and I think I understand her emotions enough to see her true intentions behind this."

"She looked tired, but nor angry. Her emotions and intentions were hidden well."

"Then she was forced," Jackson concludes. "If not everything was on the table at that moment, she was forced. She is a very expressive person. Unless in her 'work' mode or forced. I think you need to talk to her again tomorrow. Not as friends if that hurts too much, but as work partners. If you don't it will eat you alive."

Jinyoung nods his head, finishing his food. "I understand. you're a good father you know that?"

"I'm anything but that."

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