I need to get her back home.

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Author's note: I got a few requests to do Chan's POV of when Dae moved out for a little while. So I delivered. But I'm going to split this mini-plot into two chapters, so the next chapter you'll get serial killer Jisung I promise.

Chan's POV

Jisung returns to our shared classroom, guilt clearly on his face.

"I get why we are doing this, but why are we doing this?"

I shake my head, looking at the ground.

"Is proving a point really worth the chance of killing her? This punishment is cruel, Chan."

I jump at the mention of my name, "This was not just my idea!"

"Who came up with it?" Jisung snaps, staring at me wildly.

"Me," I mumble.

Changbin comes up to me and grips my collar. "If Dae fucking dies from this. You are next."

Shoving me, he doesn't spare us both a glance as he walks out.

"We all contributed in this," Jisung mentions, defending me. "We all agreed to do this to Dae. Chan might have come up with the idea, but we all agreed."

"I didn't agree to shit. Dae is ours to protect. To train. To shape. To love. And all that is out the fucking window, yeah? Don't pull that 'we all agreed' bullshit when you know damn well I fucking refused the idea."

Changbin walked out, slamming the door on both of us.

Jisung looked at me, his expression one I'll forever have burned into my memory.

"He had a point."

About an hour later we all recollected back in my classroom, sitting in deadly silence.

"What happens if Jackson and Momo decide she is a traitor?" Felix depressingly ponders. "That means we killed our daughter. Are we all aware of that?!"

"Felix shut up!" Minho shouts, making the younger boy flinch. "Yes we know, but we have to have faith in Dae."

"Will Dae even be capable of loving us after this?" Changbin sourly questions.

"Stop acting so innocent Changbin," Seungmin spat. "You told her on the phone we would kill her."

The class phone rang and I shot up answering it.

"3Racha class, Cb97 speaking."

"Chan, you have I.N in your classroom, correct?"

I subconsciously scan the classroom, finding Jeongin sitting on the floor, playing with his thumbs nervously.

"Yeah, he's here."

"Send him to his office, he has patients waiting for him already."

"I understand boss. Thank you."

I end the call, setting the phone back in its specific place.

"Jeongin," I start, the youngest's eyes quickly looking at mine. "You have work to do. Patients need your help."

Jeongin stands up slowly, bowing towards his members, he walks out quickly, muttering something that sounded like "Why the hell are students hurting themselves this early. School hasn't even fucking started."

We once again go back to sitting in silence; idle in regret. That was until fast-paced and loud running snaps us out of our trance. We all look towards the door before it was ripped open, exposing an out of breath Jeongin.

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