I'm Sorry You Felt Trapped

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It was Stray Kids' day off. Usually, a rare event as such would entail Dae receiving more aggressive training. However, her injury restricted the amount of heavy movement she could do. The never-before incident created an extremely boring day off. Seungmin and herself already watched the good movies on Netflix while she and Felix binged the terrible ones for a good laugh. When all else failed to entertain her, Dae made her mind busy by completing the extra practice sheets Minho gave to her.

Even though it didn't feel like it, the rest of the household was in a similar position as Dae: Bored. It appeared their eventful lifestyle made a simple day off feel unproductive and dull.

Dae sighed, picking up her crutches and limping out of her room, going downstairs to see Seungmin and Jeongin chasing each other around in the living room.

"Come back here, you giant baby! Dae's unable to entertain me, and you're the next youngest!"

"No!" Jeongin howled, a giggle releasing from his mouth. "Go cuddle her, or play on the Xbox with her. Anything else but chase after me! Dae!" Jeongin shouted. "Help me!"

"I'm right here," Dae announces flat-toned.

Jeongin locks eyes with his daughter and rushes towards her. "Dae! You have to help me! He's bored out of his mind!"

"Not my problem," She teases, peering and Seungmin. "Plus, I'm in the same boat."

Jeongin perks a brow. "You? Bored? This has never happened before."
Dae sighs, nodding. "I was able to train the last few times I got injured. This time I couldn't."

"Your ankle has never been as wounded as it is now. We must let it fully heal before even thinking about stepping on the training field."

"I understand why I can't practice combat, but why not shooting practice?" Dae understood her whining tone was annoying, but she was desperate for any sort of entertainment.

Jeongin opened his mouth to speak before Chan emerged from his room, interrupting him.

"Not a single chance."

"I wasn't talking to you," Dae retorted, sparing his a slight glance. "I was talking to the doctor."

Jeongin looked at his boss, who - with using only his eyes - let him know that if he spoke up, he'd be dead.

"I think you should listen to your father," Jeongin sheepishly responded, backing away from Dae.

"And your father says no," Chan continued, flashed Jeongin a look of appreciation.

Dae thought for a moment, weighing her chances of winning before concluding, 'Fuck it, I'm bored anyway.'

"And why not, Chan? It's not doing anything with my leg."

"Don't get smart with me," Chan sneered, approaching her. "You prefer shooting standing up, and that's not really going to work out with those things," Chan gestures to the crutches Dae was gripping.

"Well, it's a perfect occasion to practice in the correct position isn't it?" Dae smiles snarkily, then whips her body around towards the front door.

Chan reaches out and grabs her shoulder, stopping her from continuing. "Jeongin and I both said no."

Dae swats her father's hand off of her and turns around slowly. "Then what the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"Not being a brat when you're bored would be a start."

This is when Dae actually began to get offended.

"A brat?" Dae prodded slowly, her eyes lighting with fire. "I'm a brat?"

Chan rolled his eyes, crossing his arms. "Yes, Dae."

"I'm a brat? For wanting to train for your stupid mafia? The career I was forced into!" Dae cried out, throwing one of her crutches to the floor.

Chan didn't let up with his annoyed persona. "Yes, Dae."

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Dae yelled, limping over and getting face to face with Chan.

Chan scoffed, rolling his eyes once more. "I am your father, Dae. I have the final say in everything you do. It's been this way since I found you. I'm a bit confused why this is an issue now."

"Because I'm bored with this godforsaken house!" Dae loudly shrieked, tears pouring out of her eyes. "I'm tired of how ignorant you are!"

"You're bored?" Chan scoffed again. "Everyone here is. You're not special."

"At last you all get to leave every so often for missions!" Dae burst, throwing her hand in the air. Dae can't remember a time Chan got upset with her like this. She believes the last time was when she was seven, and she had made a mess in the kitchen while the rest of her family were on a mission. However, the mission had failed, and it pissed Chan off the perfect amount when he arrived home to see Dae's wrong-doings.

Chan froze for a brief moment, processing his daughter's comment. She was right. The rest of Stray Kids were allowed to leave the house for missions, which were about once a week. Dae however, was forever stationed at home as their hacker. The only time she would leave the house was for meetings at JYP's headquarters, which were about once a week.

"Do you know how much social interaction I get outside of you guys?" Dae pressed further. "Next to none. Now answer this, Chan. How will my lack of social abilities assist me in being a mafia member? Trying to act 'The part' as a spy. If you want me to be well-rounded, I need to know how people work."

Chan exhaled a breath he didn't know he was holding. He hated to admit it -He was rather stubborn when it came to parenting Dae- but she was right. His eyes softened as he dropped the tension in his shoulders.

Chan slowly closed the distance between the two of them, wrapping his arms around Dae.

"I'm sorry," He sighed. "I never noticed how our ignorance damaged your social capabilities."

"I'm sorry I yelled," Dae replied squeezing him slightly.

Chan thought for a moment before pulling away. "I'll tell you what," He began, "If you promise to bring something to protect yourself, and you answer all of our calls on the first ring, I'll let you out of the house by yourself. But only to the park you and Felix used to go to often."

Dae's eyes widen considerably, and her mouth outstretched to a wide grin. "Really?" She beamed loudly. "Thank you! I won't let you down!"

"Just please be home before the sun goes down and don't cause too much trouble."

"I promise!" She exclaimed, dropping her crutches and hugging him tightly once more.

"Wear a mask but make it casual and part of your outfit. And if you see anything suspicious, leave and call us immediately."

Dae nodded her head wildly - similarly to a bobble head - "You got it!"

"I'm sorry that you felt trapped in this house, however, I won't hesitate to take this privilege away if you abuse or disobey the rules."
"Yes dad, I'll try my hardest to not let you down."

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