her favorite memory

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Dae sits in her bed that night, thinking about Jisung's words. She does miss them; their reassuring cuddles and words, protective holds and gentle laughter that always rings around.

But she isn't ready, but she knows she will be soon.

Dae closes her eyes, and thinks about good memories she's had with them; her favorite memory.

"Dad! Dad! wake up!" Dae giggles shaking Chan awake.

"Dae, love, you're 11, and it's 5 in the morning. You know to wait until 7 to wake us up for Christmas. I love you, but I'm tired."

"And I'm excited. Please??"

Chan playfully rolls his eyes, sitting up in his bed.

"Okay, we're not waking up the other members just yet, some of them had a mission last night. But, how about we sit in here together and watch some tv until it is 7?"

Dae's face brightens, a gleaming smile appearing on her face. She jumps on his bed, sitting in between his legs.

"I love that idea."

The father and daughter sat in bed and watched their shared favorite Christmas movie together, Elf.

Dae acts many years younger on Christmas, turning into a giggly young little girl. It's one of the only days she doesn't train, go on missions or learn. It's a carefree day to be truly herself.

Soon enough after the movie, it was 7. Dae jumps up from the bed and grabs Chan's hand ecstatically.

"Come on Channie! We gotta go wake up the others!" She exclaimed, a glorious smile upon her face.

"How about you wake them up and I'll make preparations downstairs?" Chan compromises.

"Kay!" Dae agrees, running out of her eldest father's room.

"Minhooo! Wake up!" Dae squeals, smacking him with a pillow.

"How about you wake up?" Minho grumbles, smacking her gently with a pillow in return.

"I already am up! Go downstairs when you are fully awake, Chan is already down there."

Minho swings out of bed, grabbing the girl and hugging her close.

"Merry Christmas Dae."

Dae continues to wake up the members, her energy staying consistent even with the lacking energy she is receiving back from her sleepy fathers.

Once everyone was woken up, she followed the last member down the stairs, who happened to be the heavy sleeper Hyunjin, bouncing with every step.

The little girl plops herself in front of the tree, waiting for her dads to give her their respective gifts.

"Did Santa get me anything this year?" Dae questions peeking around the tree.

"Why of course he did!" Jeongin replies. "You've been a good assassin this year."

"I know I have, I've worked my ass off this year."

"It's Christmas, no swearing." Jisung comments, smirking.

"Oh, hush. Every four seconds on a normal day you swear!" Dae teases.

"And you're not the same?" Seungmin reiterates.

Chan goes to the back of the Christmas tree, pulling out a big box. "This one is from Santa."

"Oh! It's really big! Can I open it?" Dae squeals, her excitement bursting.

"Of course love."

Dae quickly peels off the paper, exposing the gift under.

It was a keyboard.

"Oh my fucking god." Dae mumbles, wide-eyed. "I didn't know anyone noticed."

"you thought Santa wouldn't have known your secret love for music?" Felix quipped, a smile on his face.

"Ah! Thank you, Santa!" She gleamed as she set her keyboard carefully to the side.

She received a single gift from all the members. Their Christmas rule is that everyone must get one gift for everyone, making the tree very quickly filled.

Jeongin gave her a record player with a bunch of records.

Seungmin gave her a drawing tablet.

Felix gave her an extremely expensive gaming console.

Jisung gave her a $300 gift card to cheesecake factory; their mutual favorite place.

Hyunjin gave her a build-a-bear with an extremely sentimental voice recording.

Changbin gave her a Snorlax plushie, one that looks very similar to Gyu.

Minho gave her a bunch of new clothes, after talking to him about her newfound love for fashion a few months back.

Chan gave her a new laptop, already personalized for her.

Dae was in tears as she rips open her gifts, so thankful to be given a new life like this. A family filled with sentiment and love.

"Oh! now it's time for my gifts!" She exclaims, bouncing to her feet.

She runs up the stairs, going under her bed, grabbing 9 boxes.

"Okay, so unlike all of you, I don't really have money, and I didn't want to ask you guys for money for your gift, so I used my birthday money. I'm sorry it's not much."

"Dae, you could've given us a used tissue saying you've worked hours on it and we would've loved it." Changbin defends, the others nodding their heading in agreement, chuckling.

Each member got a ring with their birthstone, their name and her name etched into it; alongside a note she poured her heart into each word.

Many students have asked about the ring they wear everywhere, but they just smirk and answer with someone they love.

After gift opening, they then failed to make cookies together, each person covered in every powder you could find in the kitchen.

Their Christmas ended them cuddling on the couch, asleep.

Dae cuddles closely to the plush Hyunjin gave her; named Jinnie.

She pressed the button inside of the plush to hear his voice:

"Merry Christmas Dae! I don't know when you are hearing this, but know whatever age you are currently, I still love you just as much, if not more than this day today. You mean the world to me and I'll always protect you, no matter how mad I am, or how dangerous the situation is. I hope you're having a good day and always know you have 8 fathers to lean on for anything. Bye-bye."

Dae smiling, tears rolling down her cheeks as she misses her family. The dorm never feeling more empty and alone in her life.

"Yeah, I'll be going home soon."


Quick authors note: Merry Christmas everyone!! I hope your Christmas is as magical is yall because you deserve it. You all have been making my heart so happy with the support I've been getting and aah I've never cried more tears of happiness than these days.

So thank you!

Also if you don't celebrate Christmas I just hope you have a significantly amazing d a e

I'll be going now! Love ya

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