Valentine's Dae!

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"Bitch get up," Minho sarcastically commands, throwing a pillow at her.

Dae's eyes blink open and she catches a pillow Minho was trying to throw at her. She gets up, gripping a stuffed animal, before smacking him in the face with it.

"Get ready for school."

"Yes... Dad." Dae agrees sarcastically.

"Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day, you're not allowed to date anyone, but it's still a holiday, so i'll acknowledge it." He comments before closing her door.

"huh, Valentine's Day." Dae ponders while getting ready. "It's a holiday about love. We've never celebrated it because all of us are single. But it sounds interesting."

"Dae!" Changbin shouts from the stairs. "Hurry up! Your breakfast is ready!"

"Coming!" She replies loudly, making sure he can hear.

She quickly finished getting ready; grabbing her phone and her backpack before racing down the stairs.

Once at school she is greeted with something she'll never forget.

Boys surrounding her.

With gifts.

Flowers, stuffed animals, chocolates, cards, some people gave her weapons!

She looked wide-eyed at the boy giving her the pile of gifts, not knowing what to do with it.

"I wish Stray Kids didn't ditch me every morning to go to meetings," She thought to herself, mentally sighing.

"I-I don't know if I'm allowed to accept these. My fathers are quite strict you know." She states to the boys, trying to get them to take it back.

"You don't have to date us!" the boys whine. "Just accept our gifts!"

"How am I supposed to carry all these gifts?" She inquired, trying to take as much as she could, but her hands quickly filled up.

"I have an extra bag in my dorm!" One of the young boys exclaim. "Please, wait here!" He sprints off towards the dorms.

"Alright, alright!" Tzuyu shouts, shoving through the crowd of boys. "What's going on?"

"It's valentine's day Ma'am. And we are giving our gifts to Dae."

"oh," Tzuyu deadpanned. "How lovely?"

Finally, the boy returns with a tote bag, allowing Dae to pour a small amount of the gifts she got into the bag. But not even close to all.

"I'm flattered by this, truly. But why me?" Dae questions, feeling overwhelmed.

"Isn't it obvious?" One of them snicker.

Dae started feeling overwhelmed and attempted to grip onto Tzuyu for support.

Tzuyu immediately noticed her anxiety. "Okay, that's enough! If you have a gift for Dae bring it to the training gym. Let JYP, if you see him, know I instructed that. Therefore, Dae isn't carrying a thousand lovely gifts, but she can still go through them later."

This seemed to convince them, and they all ran away towards their weight training teacher's room.

"Are you alright love?" Tzuyu questions, looking softly at Dae.

Dae nods once. "Yeah, it was just a bit surprising that they all wanted to give me gifts."

"Dae, you're beautiful and badass, what's not to love?"

"You seem popular with the guys," Jinyoung sighs, taking a bite of his food.

"And you seem popular with the girls," Dae replies gesturing to the few boxes of chocolate next to his backpack.

"Dae, I got 5 love letters, not that I don't appreciate them, but you had so many guys come up to you that you had to have them drop them off at a specific place."

"Chan probably ate a fraction of them if I'm being honest. Say, are you jealous?" Dae teased, poking at his face.

Jinyoung swatted her hand away, sticking his tongue at her. "Of course not! You just are so oblivious to your popularity."

"Oh I know I'm popular, I just didn't know guys wanted me, that, way."

"What way? That you could ask any guy at this school to kiss you and they would do it without hesitation?" Jinyoung pressed, enjoying teasing her.

"Including you?" Dae grinned evilly, knowing she won this.

"I hate you, you know that?"

"You haven't answered me." Dae continued in a sing-song voice.

"I hate you, you know that?" Jinyoung repeats.

The last bell rang, signaling the end of the day. Dae springs out of her seat, bowing goodbye to Sana.

She happily skips into the gym, knowing Jackson was probably doing some after-school training in there. 

"Hi, Jackson!" Dae beams, waving at him.

Jackson, focused on training, just sends her a gentle smile as a greeting.

"Where are my gifts?" She questioned, peering around the room.

"Hyunjin already took them home during his break. Go to 3Racha's room. they are probably waiting for you to take home."

"Oh, okay! Bye Bye!" Dae waves goodbye before running out of his room.

"What the fuck?" Dae screams when entering her room. Stacked in the middle of her room were hundreds of gifts. "I didn't even this many students attended our school."

"Yeah, much to our distaste, you are popular. Make sure to appreciate all of them though. We didn't raise you to be greedy." Minho acknowledges, walking by her room.

And so the reading started. She sorted everything, into piles, making reading cards much easier and efficient. 

And boy, did her ego raise a couple of bars by the end of this.

But one letter sparked her eye, confused her.

Dae, we know each other quite well, an unexpected interaction made us known from the start. I thought you were pretty at first sight, but I thought to balance your beauty, you were going to be stupid and weak. But once I saw you, tier one, giving it your all and maintaining straight A's in all your classes, it shocked me. I didn't know I would've caught feelings for you so hard. I thought of us as friends and nothing more. But now, I beg to be more.

If you're wondering how much I know about you, I know that your mother killed herself. I know Chan was the one who officially took you in, thus making you Dae Bang. I know how bad you are at English, even though you understand a lot of it. I know your past trauma's and I know your current ones.I hope one day, you'll recognize me and love me back, but until then, I'll just keep watching from the sidelines.-Y

Dae was flustered and mildly creeped out about this letter. She hasn't told many people about her past, even simple information like who adopted her. Moreover her traumas.

"Whoever this Y person is, is creepy." She sighed out. "And who said I'm bad at English?!"

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