Monopoly with the Stray Kids family

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This is when Dae still had her broken ankle. (Also a lot of swearing in this chapter, I'm sorry if you're not comfortable with that. I also haven't play monopoly in like a hot minute, so i'm sorry if I forgot the tiny rules) This was a request by @Susubasilokal so I hope you enjoy OwO

"Channiee..." Dae said, flopping on the couch, laying her head on his thigh as he worked on paperwork.

"Yes baby girl?" Chan said, not looking up from his papers.

"I'm bored, and I can't go to the park right now because it's too late."

"Whose problem is that?" he says, a teasing smirk on his face as he continues to work.

"Yours now because I'm bothering you."

"Then make it your problem again."

"Can we play monopoly?"

"Do you want our family to be 7 members?"

"If it cures my boredom, then yes." Dae peered at him with soft, begging eyes, like her brown eyes could lure him into a hypnotic state where he never said no.

"Fuck you, you know that?" Dae continued to beg with her eyes, leaving Chan to put his papers down on sigh. "Go ask the other members, and have them come downstairs."

Dae quickly sat up, grabbing her crutches, and made her way up the stairs.

"Monopoly you fuckers!" 

She heard Minho fall of his bed and stumble to the door. He also partook in the pleasure of watching his family suffer. He ripped open the door he shared with Felix and Hyunjin and looked at Dae with a crazed smirk.

"You're the best baby girl" 

She heard the other 6 members sigh and make their way towards their respective doors, secretly praying that all of them will make it out alive.

"Weapons on the counter, I will have Jeongin search all of you if you look suspicious. We are not having another accident." Chan said, laying his gun on the counter as well.

"It wasn't a damn accident," Jisung said while setting all of his many weapons on the counter. "I was actually supposed to dig the knife in deeper, but noooo."

"Just empty out your damn pockets while Jeongin and Dae set up the game."

"I swear to fucking god if you don't give us equal amounts." Changbin started.

"We are! We are the most level-headed out of all you when it comes to this game." Dae said, double-counting the money to make it equal.

"Bitch, you like this game because it destroys us from the inside out," Jisung said. 

"It's entertaining!" She said, slamming all the money in their designated spots. "Now get your asses over here, we're done setting up"

Dae peered over her shoulder and saw a huge stack of murder devices, making her shiver in fear. 

"Free parking bitch." Chan said as he picked up a good 1000 from the pile. "All of you can suck my ass."

"Doesn't matter, you are still a broke-ass bitch after landing on my sexy monopoly," Minho said, grinning ear to ear.

"Let me have just one fucking victory," Chan said, rolling his eyes.

"Absolutely not," Changbin said, picking up the die and handing it to Seungmin. "Your turn."

"Oh, fuck all of you!" Hyunjin said, having to sell one of his properties because he landed on Chan's space. "Fuck you," He pointed at Dae "For choosing this game. Fuck you," He pointed at Jisung. "for existing. And most of all Fuck you!" he pointed at Chan "For making stray kids and buying the cursed ass game."

"Just pay up, so we can continue," Jeongin said with a bored expression, rolling his eyes slightly.

"Say one more thing, and you will be patching yourself up."

Jeongin faked a surprised expression and put his hands up in surprise.

Dae gripped Felix's collar as she held her fist right above his face. "Listen to me, you useless asshole, I will have everything you love gone in an instant, I hate you."

"Dae, you are Changbin are the only ones I love."

"Shut your gay ass mouth up," Dae said, tugging on his collar.

"Shut your ugly ass mouth up," Felix said, at lightning speeds, having her pinned under him, her not being able to fight back. "And pay up, bitch."

"Shoot me in the head, Jesus Christ." She sighed, sitting up and throwing her cash at Felix.

"Why do we still own this game??" Jeongin shouted from his office, as he patched up Jisung, as Seungmin hid a switch-blade, just to get his revenge. 

"It's fun watching my family suffer." Minho and Dae said at the same time.

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