We promise. I promise.

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Jisung threw down his phone after he hung up and flung himself off the couch, sprinting to get his shoes.

"Jisung, Jisung!" Jeongin shouts, alarmed at his comrade's hasten.

"I can't talk right now, I need to go somewhere."

"Jisung," Jeongin grabs his wrist, stopping him from heading out the door. "Are we in danger? Is anyone at risk?"

Jisung jerks his wrist back towards him and grabs the keys, ripping open the garage door.

Before he enters the room filled with luxury cars, he turns to Jeongin, smirking.

"I sure hope we're not in danger because that's not my intention."

He mounted his specific motorcycle, threw on the helmet, revving the engine, before racing out of his house and towards the school.

He made dead eye contact with a furious Chan as he drove away.

Dae packed all she needed for the night, plus a few others; phone charger, clothes for the next day, pajamas, toothbrush, stuffed animals. It was like a sleepover, but the opposite?

She left her dorms, the hallways being pitch black.

"Well, this is fucking scary." She mumbles, turning on her phone flashlight, marching through the halls toward the exit.

Finally, she gets outside and the cold winter air hits her, immediately making her grip her shoulders and shiver. Her loose, flimsy long sleeve sweater not giving her enough warm in this 30-degree weather.

She sits on one of the steps leading up to the school, the frozen concrete making her backside go numb.

Every car or vehicle in general that passed by made her head snap up and her eyes followed it until it was out of sight, and she still prayed it was Jisung.

Soon enough, a motorcycle comes into view and Dae's eyes lit up with hope. It stopped in front of the school. Dae stood up slowly, trying to see if it was her father. The motorcycle looked familiar like it had been in their garage, but they have a shit ton of vehicles in their garage so she couldn't tell.

Jisung took off the helmet, proving to Dae it was him. He looked at her with a soft expression, gesturing her over.

Dae slowly walked towards him, gripping the straps of her backpack.

"Come here love" Jisung thoughtfully emitted, holding out his hands.

Dae came up to him, crashing in his arms.

Jisung held her close, taking in her scent he missed so dearly.

"I'm so sorry," he mumbled.

Dae held him back, relieved she was still accepted back into their family.

They stayed like that for a while, letting each other know silently that the worst is past and they have each other now.

"Did you bring my helmet?" Dae quietly questions when Jisung finally let her go.

Jisung realizes he completely forgot to grab her helmet when leaving and chuckles nervously while looking at her.

"you can use mine," Jisung suggests. "I'm driving safely to get home so there should be no risk."

"Besides the fact that your identity will be exposed" Dae replies sarcastically.

The young man digs into his pocket, finding a black mask; slipping it over his mouth. Dae teasingly rolls her eyes, taking the black helmet from Jisung and placing it over her head.

Family (Mafia Stray Kids AU)Where stories live. Discover now