It's my fault he's hurt.

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The last time Dae went on a mission that she didn't stay home, she got poisoned and almost died; therefore she wasn't the most eager to be doing this mission. Thankfully, Chan convinced her enough that she wasn't doing anything too risky, making her more willing to go.

Their mission? Taking over a whole new base, as well as taking down another mafia group. This group, MCND, has caused plenty of issues to JYP for a whole year. JYPE has tried to ignore their constant crossing of territory and slow draining from ample bank account, but it got too much after they kidnapped a tier 4 as they were walking to their family's home on the student's day off.

Stray Kids were in charge of taking them all down. Company and all. Which shouldn't be hard because they were an especially smaller company than JYP. They would be carrying out this mission by scheduling a fake business trade but would ambush them before the deal was initiated.

"Let's go over this again. Dae, what is your sub-group and position?" Seungmin asks the young girl as they were about to leave for the mission.

"I am with Chan and Minho. Minho is the ears of our group, Chan is the fighter and I am the backup for both."

Seungmin smiles, patting her on the head. "Good girl."

"Dae, I am going to warn you now. It isn't time for overthinking or freaking out. It's all at the moment, we cannot have you panicking during a mission. We will not have time to help you and you will get hurt," Hyunjin instructs, knowing her and her habit of freaking out if something goes wrong.

"I understand. This is a big deal and I will try my hardest not to screw up."

"And! one more thing before we go," Chan states, grabbing her hand in between his two. "You are backup. Please, please, do not intrude our working unless we say so or its blatantly obvious. Backup Dae is a safer Dae."

"It's our first mission as all 9 members, let us protect the rookie," Felix adds, a soft smile displayed on his face.

Dae nods her head, taking in their information fully. "I am ready. I can do this. I will prove that I am a good asset to the team with my direction following skills."

Chan pats her head similar to what Seungmin did a few moments ago before spinning on his heel towards the door. "Let's go."

Getting into the sleek black car, Dae is squished in between Minho and Felix.

She fidgeted with the brass knuckles slipped comfortably on her fingers; sliding the tool on and off her hand in a repeated pattern.

Minho grabbed her hand, stopping her nervous motions. "We've got this, alright? Don't be so nervous. You got Chan and me with you and we won't let anything happen to you. Plus, you're a strong and powerful woman that can and has handled herself."

She stares off into the distance, nodding her head just enough for Minho to notice. He sighs, noticing how most of her nervous habits are presenting themselves; an obvious sign that she doesn't feel ready for this mission but has the desire to not disappoint anyone.

"You don't have to do this mission," Felix catches on to what Minho has noticed. "It's okay to not feel ready. We know one day you will be ready, but that doesn't have to be today."

Dae shakes her head, her dark brown hair shaking lightly in the loose ponytail she tied it into. "Stop bothering me about it. I'm ready."

Minho sighs once more, releasing his hand from hers, and watches her immediately go back to sliding the weapon off and on her fingers.

"We're here," Hyunjin declares, parking in front of a coffee shop.

"Dae, Minho," Chan announces, making both of them glance up. "We're up. Dae, you are my sister. Not my daughter right now. Makes explaining things a lot easier."

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