He either died or hates her now.

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After a while of Yunseo being around, Jinyoung slowly stopped hating her; once her flirting towards Dae steadily decreased. She became a reoccurring person sitting with Dae and Jinyoung.

"Yunseo," Jinyoung starts. "If you don't mind me asking, what even is your sexuality?"

"Gay as fuck man," Yunseo replies immediately.

"Oh," Jinyoung comments, "I honestly assumed."

"You assumed?" Yunseo questions curiously.

"Yeah, the way you flirted with Dae for such a long time,"

"Oh yeah, I was basically in love with her for a while," She admitted shamelessly.

"You liked me?" Dae questioned, surprised.

"You surely are clueless aren't you?" Jinyoung softly teased.

"Not really," She pouts playfully.

"Dae, everyone at school knew you and Jinyoung loved each other but you two. Until he took you off the market." Yunseo unexpectedly announced.

"Off the market?" Jinyoung hesitates. "You think we're dating?"

"Of course! You two are a thing, right?"

Dae laughs softly, "We could've been, but my parents had to eavesdrop."

"How much trouble did you get in?" She pressed, leaning in towards Dae's face.

Dae backed away slightly, "None, we just can't date right now,"

The lunch bell rang and Dae sprung up from her seat, starting to walk towards her classroom.

She turns towards Jinyoung and playfully winks at him.

"I'll be waiting, substitute teacher Youngie!"

"Yeah, substitute." Jinyoung depressingly trails off.

After that lunch, Jinyoung slowly stopped visiting Dae in the morning. It was initially that he would show up late, drenched in sweat, but soon, he didn't show at all.

Dae tried asking him about this at lunch one day, missing his playful teasing and flirty remarks.

"Jinyoung, why have you not been seeing me in the morning? Have you grown tired of me already?" She didn't want to sound upset, so she made it into a slight joke.

"Oh, no." Jinyoung absently replied. "It's just I need to do other stuff in the morning."

"Like what?" Dae innocently asks.

"Nothing of your concern," He dryly concluded.

Soon after this lunch, Jinyoung started disappearing from her completely.

She didn't see him at lunch, she didn't see him in the morning, and she barely saw him in the hallways. Not seeing her best friend; moreover him completely ignoring her was taking a toll on her happiness and her performance as a teacher.

"Where has Jinyoung been?" Yunseo ponders; a few days later.

"I don't know," She sighs out. "He's been avoiding me for a while now and I don't know what I did."

"I don't think you did something," Yunseo naturally proposed.

"What do you mean, he's clearly avoiding me Yunseo,"

"Dae, have you ever looked at things from a different perspective? What if he's busy doing something?"

"Yunseo, listen to yourself, he's obviously avoiding me."

"Dae, stop being so pessimistic!" Yunseo angrily exclaims. "If you're wondering where he's been, talk to him. Don't let your problems simmer."

Dae nods her head, understanding her point.

"I just might."

It was even harder finding Jinyoung than anything. She looked and looked, but couldn't find him in a single place.

"Did he fucking die?" Dae mumbles, after searching the school for the second time.

She searched the whole school one more time before Seungmin came and told her it was time to go home.

She tried to protest, telling him she had something important to do. But he slung her over his shoulder and carried her to their car. It was only until he heard her quiet sniffles did he get concerned.

"Dae, are you alright?" he asked setting her down and gesturing her to get into the car.

She didn't want to tell her whole family she was crying over Jinyoung; Chan would probably smirk and tell her how he knew he would break her heart. Hyunjin would kill him for hurting her. And the rest would be a mix of the two.

Dae quickly wiped her tears, forcing all her emotions down. "Nothing," She mumbled, looking out the window and ignoring the concerned looks that her family gave her.

The next day was the same, she looked everywhere for Jinyoung, but didn't find him. She was starting to believe he was truly dead.

This went on for three more days.

It's been about 2 weeks since Dae has seen Jinyoung. He either died or hates her now.

Until he just showed up in her classroom after school a day she was subbing.

"Dae," he mumbled.

She snapped her head towards him and took in his appearance.

It was horrible.

He was pale and bruised in certain spots. He lost a lot of weight and he looked like he hasn't slept in a while.

"Jinyoung?!" She shrieked. "What happened?"

"I started training, any free time I got." He replied raspily.

"Youngie..." She trailed off, cupping his face and turning his neck to inspect his face. "Why?"

"I wanted to make sure I rank up, for you Dae. I don't want to disappoint you."

Dae's eyes widened as she took in his appearance once more.

"Jinyoung, don't ever push yourself to this, for me."

"How could I not Dae? You're an extremely talented substitute who deserves everything. I'm a tier two, nobody."

"ah yes, a nobody who means everything to me. It breaks me to see you like this."

"I'm sorry," Jinyoung mutters, ashamed.

"You should be," She lightly teased, taking his hand and leading her to her desk chair. "Sit."

He obediently sits down, watching her as she pulls out the first aid kit from a cabinet and some leftover food from her mini-fridge.

"eat this while I patch you up, alright?"

He nods his head, taking a bite out of the apple.

Dae slowly fixes him, taking gentle care of all of his wounds, apologizing after every wince.

"Tell me again why you did this to yourself Youngie," She mumbles, carefully cleaning a cut on his face, slipping a bandaid over it.

"I want to be worth you. And I'm going to do anything to be able to achieve that title."

Dae smiles lovingly at him.

Without thinking, she gently presses her lips to his, giving him a soft kiss.

Jinyoung's face lit up as he stared at her with a stupid expression.

Dae giggles quietly, her face a dusty rose.

"Jinyoung, you're already worth me. I love you."

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