I've got this

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Dae's whole mood flipped after Chan's announcement, like the depression that built up through experiences during her lifetime has evaporated from her. This isn't true, for she still has mental scarring. But currently, she was on cloud 9, a beautiful glow of happiness radiating around her.

As Chan was at the wheel, Dae was a smiling mess, and her excitement wore off on her brother-father mix as well. Rolling down her window, she optimistically stared at everything that passed their vehicle.

"Ice cream?" Chan offered, glancing at her from the corner of his eye, keeping most of his attention on his driving.

Dae's eyes sparkled brightly as she turned her scrutiny away from the outside world to Chan.

"Yes please!" She exclaimed, her voice ringing with pure joy.

Driving to a popular ice cream parlor, Dae's attention was back on the foreign environment outside; the urban landscapes eyecatching to the young girl.

After a bit more of driving, Chan parked in front of an adorable ice cream parlor. The pastel pink exterior had Dae bouncing in her seat.

Taking Chan's hand, gripping it in hers, he leads her inside the small shop. The cutesy bell dinged above them, signaling to the workers customers were present.

"Welcome to Lemon Pop, Ice Cream!" The employee welcomed them. "How can I help you today?"

Chan nudged Dae, silently telling her to order. Letting go of his hand, she examined the tubs of ice cream, before deciding on Cookies and Creme - a simple choice.

The worker made her a cone, and cautiously gave Dae the treat, making sure neither of them dropped it. After blatantly checking out Chan, she gave her recommendations of her favorite flavors; Red Velvet and Orange Caramel. She did so by leaning into the counter while pointing, to flaunt her minimalistic cleavage.

Chan ignores all of her advances at awful flirting (Either he was too stupid to notice or didn't care. Dae couldn't tell) and orders a plain strawberry cone. Dae practically gagged as she attempted to pout cutely while scooping his ice cream.

"I hope you know that you look like a depressed pigeon with that expression," Dae bluntly comments, shrugging her shoulders. "I would greatly appreciate it if you didn't flirt with my dad. Cause I'm not looking for a stepmom and I don't think he's looking for a desperate college student."

The employee, whose name Dae learns by the nametag provocatively on her chest; Maylee, looks quite taken back by Dae relentless comment.

Maylee quickly recollects herself and glances at Chan for any sign of disapproval in his daughter's lash but only found amusement.

"I'm sorry, you're his daughter? How can a handsome person create," She looks Dae up and down, a look of disgust upon her face. "you?"

Maylee glares at Dae, a look of pure anger on her face. On the other side, Dae grinned tauntingly, enjoying pissing off this unprofessional employee.

A hand slammed on the counter breaks Dae and Maylee's unfriendly staring contest.

Maylee's eyes snap up to meet Chan's dark ones. Under any other circumstance, Maylee would be ecstatic that a man this attractive was that close to her. But his harsh glare had her cowering.

"You are getting paid to serve us food. Not ask me out, or insult my child. I tried to be nice and just ignore your desperate pleas for me, but you had to push it over."

"Your child started it."

Chan spun on his heel and took Dae's hand, walking out of the shop. Dae innocently followed, licking her ice cream peacefully.

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