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Y/n's POV

"N/n!" Minerva came down the stairs. I was so thankful she came to visit, it got kinda boring being all alone. I was at my desk writing a letter. I was on my last sentence so when I finished it, I tied it up and gave it to the messenger pigeon at one of my windows. The pigeon took it with its beak and flew off.

"Mimi," I smiled, calling her by her nickname, as she engulfed me in a hug. I wonder if she treats everyone like this. I wouldn't know, I've been living in this room since I joined Sabertooth. Sometimes I wonder why I still stick around.

To be fair, the room was really nice. Jiemma seemed to really want me to stay, so he did his best to make it to my liking. He was always nice to me, but I heard from Minerva that he's nothing like that to the others.

"How have you been?" She started to walk up to me, but then she was thrown aside as if she was a piece of trash. It angered me when I saw the large muscular figure of Jiemma behind her.

"Minerva, I told you to stay away from her," Jiemma's voice bellowed as he walked down the staircase, "You never do anything right, do you?"

"Oi," I glowered, shoving my hand out. Dark magic gathered around his body, engulfing him, and lifting him off of the ground. Jiemma froze from the pain, "Don't you dare treat her like that again."

Jiemma tried to find a way to break out of my magic, but when he realised that there was no way out, you could see the fear written all over his face.

"S-s-sorry Y/n," He apologised. I threw him onto the ground and walked over to Minerva, giving her a hand to help her up.

"Thanks," Minerva smiled sadly. I always felt sorrow for her. I don't really remember ever having a family, but Minerva does and yet, she doesn't make the memories with them that she'd want to keep. Or anyone would want to keep.

After that day, Jiemma didn't visit for a while, but that was until I heard loud crashes coming from upstairs. He's been telling people off for failing him in the Grand Magic Games, so I just guessed that he hit someone or something.

Sting's POV

I could feel the anger radiating off of me. He took Lector from me. I wanted to kill him. I wanted him to feel the pain that I felt right now. Even Rogue and Frosch stayed back. I know Rogue feared that he'd lose Frosch too.

I punched Jiemma and he fell. What a sorry excuse for a master. Looking down at him, the anger didn't ease.

I'm going to get you back Lector. I promise.

Lector's bright smiling face formed in my memories, making my heart hurt even more.

With the angry tears still burning in my eyes, I saw Minerva approaching me. She didn't seem to mind that I almost killed her dad. They probably weren't that close. I always heard stories of what he'd do to her to get her to train. They even gave me the shivers.

Y/n's POV

"Sting defeated Jiemma," Minerva told me.

"No way," I gasped, "I knew he was powerful, but wow."

Then my heart sank. Where does that leave me? Should I just pretend that I don't belong to this guild and leave? Or should I stay and introduce myself?

Author's Note: Sorry for the super short prologue! The chapters will be longer. It's only because I needed to fill you guys in on what life used to be like for you, etc. My aim for the prologue was just to provide some information to bring the book to life a bit more! I hope you guys are enjoying it so far though! See you in the next chapter! <3

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