C h a p t e r T w e n t y S e v e n

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Sting's POV

After explaining the whole situation to Zeref, it was getting dark so Mavis told us to set up camp. Everyone had their own tents.

My mind was racing. Now that we've found Zeref, does that mean we are closer to finding Y/n? I hope she doesn't think that I've given up on her...


"Sting? What are you doing awake at this time?" Erza asked as she came out of her tent and sat on the log that I was sitting on by the fireplace.

"I'm just thinking," I responded.

"We're going to find Y/n and Minerva, don't worry," Erza reassured me, taking a large gulp of water from her water bottle, "We won't stop until we do."

"I hope she knows that," I frowned, "Do you think she thinks we've given up on her? I would never leave her behind. She means everything to me and i don't know what I'd do if I lost her."

"I think she's worried that we can't find her, not that we've given up on her," Erza responded, "Dhutia is a powerful god. He could hide anywhere he wants and that means Y/n and Minerva could be anywhere."

"Do you think he's hurting her?" The panic inside me rose, "What if he's hurting her and we've been taking ages to find her?"

"Sting, take a deep breath. I think Y/n may be able to hold her own, but we can't be sure that he's not hurting her. Y/n is technically a god. Both her parents were, so that means she is too," Erza spoke soothingly.

"But she did say that compared to her parents she'd be considered weak," I continued to panic.

"I don't think she would be considered weak. I think that her magic still hasn't fully developed," Erza shook her head, "If anything, she'd be stronger than her parents because she's their daughter. That means she'd have both her mother and her father's power, making her stronger than her parents."

"But does that mean she's more powerful than Dhutia?" I questioned.

"See, that's another case. Dhutia gained his strength from the conflict of all the gods, if I remember correctly, so he may be stronger than Y/n since he managed to kill all the gods as well, fuelling his power since he's the God of War," Erza answered, "Sting, you should really go and get some sleep. Everyone is probably going to come up with a plan tomorrow morning and you'll need strength to carry out that plan."

"Yeah, I'll go get some sleep," I nodded, "Good night Erza."

"Good night Sting."

I went back in my tent, but I didn't sleep at all. My body was aching for some rest, but it's like my brain wouldn't let me. This whole situation was making me go crazy and I just wanted Y/n back.

Hang in there Y/n, I will come and find you.

Y/n's POV

"I'M GONNA PICK UP THE PIECES," I screeched. I was singing the song Lego House by Ed Sheeran....horribly, "AND BUILD A LEGO HOUSE!"

"OH MY GOODNESS, SHUT UP!!!" Dhutia howled. I've been singing for about ten hours straight now and it sure as hell annoyed Dhutia. A lot, "Don't try and annoy me just because you're upset that your boyfriend has given up on you."

"At least I have a boyfriend that has the option to give up on me," I smirked, "You caveman. Actually, a caveman probably has more of a chance of getting in a relationship than you. When was the last time you washed your hair?"

"How on earth did Gather and Vammera raise such an annoying kid?" Dhutia groaned.

"More like Jiemma," I scoffed, "You killed my parents when I was so young that I doubt they even got a chance to raise me."

"Oh yes, that's true," Dhutia burst out laughing, "It's a shame, isn't it? You could've been living such a happy life alongside all the gods. You could still be hanging out with Sarus and Rixnir, your two best friends at that time, and you could be with your parents. But no. I took that away from you."

An uncontrollable surge of anger ran through me. I pulled back my fist before hitting the glass column really hard, making a crack. I saw the panic in Dhutia's eyes, but it seems he's a lot smarter than I thought. He just encased another glass column around the one I was in and pressed a few buttons, making me pass out from how much pain I was in.

Sting's POV

I hadn't slept all night. Sure, I was tired, but I don't care. I have one focus and that is to find Y/n...maybe two focusses if you count showing Dhutia who the hell he has been messing with.

Natsu and Laxus had gone out fishing for our breakfast whilst everyone was at the campfire trying to figure out a plan.

"Maybe we could go to the library and double check that we have all the information we need? We could be missing something," Mirajane suggested.

"I'm not quite sure how well it'd go down if the infamous dark wizard appeared at the library," Zeref pointed out.

"That is true. We'll have to go in disguises," Erza nodded, "If the public saw a group of Sabertooth and Fairy Tail wizards alongside the dark wizard, rumours would go around which is the last thing we need because if Dhutia hears about it, he may increase his defences which just makes things more difficult for us."

"I think that's our plan then," Mavis nodded, "Disguise ourselves, go to the library, find out more information, come back and share what we've found out."

"But we know everything," Rogue finally spoke up. He was right. Surely this is just a waste of time. Y/n and Minerva are in danger and we're going to the library? They probably already think we've given up on them!

"We need to be sure. I understand you're worried about Minerva, but if we don't have the full information on Dhutia, it could end very badly," Erza explained.

Natsu and Laxus came back with some fish they caught.

"How cooked do you want your fish?" Natsu asked, getting ready to burn them with his fire dragon roar.

"I think we'll just cook them over the fire, you know, just in case..." Mirajane chuckled.

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