C h a p t e r S e v e n t e e n

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Y/n's POV

I had my nose in a book, sitting on the couch in the corner of Sting's office whilst he rapidly scribbled on his paperwork.

"Make sure the writing is still readable, Sting," Rogue laughed. Him and Minerva were here too. They were helping him keep the office clean as the papers he was writing on were flying everywhere.

"Haha. You're funny," Sting rolled his eyes, "Why don't you do this damn paperwork instead if you have so much to say about it?"

"Because I'm not the master," Rogue smirked.

"You're just a lazy guild member," Sting grumbled.

"And I wouldn't have it any other way," Rogue smiled contently, "I'm allowed to lounge all I want whilst you're drowning in your paperwork."

"I absolutely love how Y/n is calmly reading a book in the corner, completely disregarding everything that's going on," Minerva chuckled.

"I can still hear you, you know," I put the book down.

"I know," Minerva chuckled and then walked over to me, "What're you reading anyway?"

"Just some stuff on Gods and Goddesses, nothing interesting," I shrugged, closing the book and putting it to the side.

"Well, considering your parents are Gods, not to mention the most powerful ones, it's good that you're gaining more knowledge about it," Rogue spoke.

"Yeah, I agree, but there is one question I've been wanting to ask you, Y/n," Minerva spoke, "If your dad is a God, and your mum is a God, does that mean you're a God?"

"...I never thought of that," It literally just hit me. I don't even think I have any 'godly' powers of the sort. Sure, I'm pretty powerful, but I'd be considered weak next to my parents, "I don't think so. I don't really know what I am."

"I see," Minerva nodded slowly.

"I know what she is!" Sting said loudly and we all looked at him in confusion, "And I'm gonna tell everyone!"

"What?" Rogue questioned as Sting ran out the office doors and we ran after him.

"GUYS DO YOU KNOW WHAT Y/N IS?!" Sting shouted to the whole guild hall as the Sabertooth members looked up at him, "SHE'S MY GIRLFRIEND!!!"

"Yes! We know!" Rufus chuckled.

"Has Sting gone insane?" Orga laughed.

"The paperwork finally got to him," Rogue announced to everyone else.

Then Sting turned to me.

"There! I answered your question!" Sting smiled, "You said you didn't know what you were, so I answered your question!"

"I love you," I laughed, hugging him. He makes me smile so much it's unreal.

"I love you too," He chuckled, kissing me on the forehead.

"Your boyfriend's mad, Y/n," Rogue sighed.

"Yeah, madly in love with you!" Sting hugged me tighter. I saw him stick his tongue out at Rogue, in which Rogue responded by rolling his eyes.

I couldn't stop laughing as Sting peppered my face with kisses, earning a cough from Rogue.

"I'd hate to interrupt your sickly sweet moment, but you have paper work to do, master," Rogue poked Sting.

"I'm the master which means I'm allowed to do what I want!" Sting pulled his tongue out at him again.

"Someone please tell me why this child is the master of Sabertooth," Rogue groaned.

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