C h a p t e r F o r t y F i v e

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Author's Note: We are getting very close to the end of this book so remember to check out Tell Me The Truth (Cobra/Erik x Reader) on my page! And get at my Instagram @ STINGSWIFEY for updates!

Y/n's POV

I couldn't believe it. I had my magic back. Well, I had some sort of magic back. I don't really recall ever having angel wings with my magic, but I'll take it. I had other things to focus on other than my new powers.

I was angry, and I don't care if I have to torture Dhutia until he understands the extent of my anger.

"DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?! I SAID TO LEAVE STING ALONE!" I roared and for once, Dhutia looked at me with fear.

I stopped abruptly when I was a couple metres away from him. Sting, as he knew what I was about to do, flew backwards so he wouldn't be caught up in my spell. I clapped my hands together, causing a large beam of white to shoot at him. He barely dodged it, burning off the sleeve of his shirt. When the fabric from his sleeve fell, I could see the damage my magic had done. It had burned him greatly and even blood was leaking out from the burn.

"Y/N! STING! DOWN HERE!" We heard a shout. We all looked underneath us and we saw the whole of Sabertooth in a crowd down there.

"SHADOW DRAGON ROAR!" Rogue yelled, hitting Dhutia square in the face since he was taken by surprise.

"Fine. You want to play that way? We will play that way," Dhutia growled, "WAR DEMON ARMY!"

Next to the group of Sabertooth members, some demons rose from the grass, forming out of nothing. They began to attack Sabertooth who also held their ground and attacked back.

I spotted Minerva in the crowd who shot many of them down before meeting my eyes and waving. I waved back with a smile. Sabertooth really is my family.

Dhutia, the sly snake he is, shot an attack straight at Sting's other wing. I quickly darted in front, making a shield that protected us but shattered after it was hit.

"You are so annoying, do you know that?" Dhutia glared.

"And you don't think you are?" I scoffed.

"WHITE DRAGON ROAR!" Sting shouted, hitting him and making him fall backwards.

"That was a cheap shot!" Dhutia scowled when he caught his balance and flew so he was in front of us again.

"Story of your life," I giggled, shooting ten orbs at him simultaneously. He avoided seven, but the three threw him backwards so intensely, that he dropped from the sky and landed on the earth below.

"Y/N! YOU'VE MADE ME MAD NOW!" He bellowed once he got his grip. He jumped from the ground, making a large indent on the earth from the force, so he was level with us in the sky again.


"She's probably the only one that cares anyway," Sting chuckled.

"Maybe she doesn't even care," I cried with laughter.

"WAR SUPREME GOD BELLOW!" He shouted and me and Sting just parted ways so the attack missed completely, "Wait for it."

We saw the beam turn around and come for us.

"You fight Dhutia, I'll manage this!" Sting shouted, flying upwards so the orb followed him, "HOLY RAY!"

Sting shot his attack, keeping it up so the orb was fighting against it. How long would he be able to hold that for? I'd better hurry up so I can help him.

"Did no one ever teach you to keep your eyes on the enemy at all times?" Dhutia laughed. I turned to him and found that he had orbs positioned all around me. There was around ten. He clicked his fingers and the attacks came towards me.

I shielded myself. It was extremely painful and took a massive toll on my magic energy, but I managed to get rid of them.

"Yeah, but my enemy is so ugly that I don't even want to look at him," I smirked, shooting a bunch of magic arrows at him. He howled in pain when it hit him, giving me a second to glance down at the battle between Dhutia's war demons and Sabertooth.

They were struggling and the demons kept multiplying every time they were shot.


What's that?

That presence.

I know that presence.

One by one, the demons dropped to the floor, their numbers decreasing greatly as they died off.

I turned slightly to see Zeref sitting on the wooden bench casually, making me laugh. He smiled and gave me a thumbs up as I smiled back at him. He's the best.

My attention was torn away from Zeref when I heard a heartbreaking yell from Sting. Dhutia had shot an attack at him, causing him to stop his hot ray attack so he was hit by both Dhutia and the orb he had sent earlier. He was falling. He was unconscious.

"STING!" I screamed. I immediately flew after him.

"YOUR FIGHT IS WITH ME!" Dhutia smirked, shooting an attack at me which I disintegrated.

"THEN WHY DID YOU ATTACK HIM?!" I roared, shooting a red beam at him, making him fall too. I caught up to Sting who was halfway through the sky. I wrapped my arms around his head, trying to protect him from the fall, which luckily, I was successful with.

"Y/n..." He transformed back into his human form, battered and bruised.

"Don't worry, I'll show him who the hell Sabertooth is," I kissed him on the forehead, laying him on the ground carefully

"That's my girl," He still managed to pull his signature smirk at me.

When I was back in the sky with Dhutia, he actually looked quite terrified of me.

"YOU'RE PSYCHO!" He choked.

"No, you just pushed my limits, uncle," I laughed at the realisation that he was actually my dad's brother. How is that even possible? He's so pathetic.

He tried to shoot an attack at Sting who was laying on the ground. I quickly reacted, sending my own magic which counterattacked his, causing an explosion.

"Like you said earlier Dhutia, your fight is with me," I spoke in a voice that I almost didn't realise belonged to me, "So don't be a coward and face me."

Sting's POV

I watched in awe as Y/n's eyes started to go red, glowing dangerously. Then her white wings were overtaken by darkness. Even her outfit changed. She looked intimidating as hell.


"I guess I have you to thank since if you didn't anger me so much, I wouldn't have gotten them," Y/n snarled.

That's my girl.

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