C h a p t e r T h i r t y F i v e

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Sting's POV

I saw Y/n. She was leaning on the wall behind her, looking almost lifeless. Her cheeks looked hollow and she was drained of colour.

It was really her. The scent was exactly the same.

I let out an angry growl and she opened her eyes slowly, meeting mine. She looked tired and so defenceless. She had thick metal chains attached to her wrists and her hair was dripping wet.

She tried to whisper something until a group of demons pounced at me from out of nowhere. I stepped forward, showing that I was not going to back down.

I used my white dragon roar to push them back, launching at them and tearing them apart until they disappeared. They just kept on coming but a demon was no match for a dragon, especially an angry one.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed that Y/n seemed to be slipping in and out of sleep. It makes me wonder how long she has stayed awake for.

I used my white dragon wing attack, slicing at least seven demons in half. As I turned, I knocked all the test tubes from the tables down with my wings. The glass shattered on the floor as oddly coloured liquids spilt out of the glass test tubes.

The scent of it burnt my nostrils. What the hell even is that? Rotting flesh? I shivered at the smell before trudging over to Y/n. It was a little difficult to walk without knocking everything over since my wings weren't exactly small.

I leaned my head down to one of the chains, slamming my teeth on it until it broke. It took me three times until one chain broke. It was really tough.

Her wrist still had the metal band around it and a little bit of the chain, but her hand was free now. She reached up and touched my cheek. I leaned into her touch.

A tear trickled down my face. I missed her so much. She held my face with her free hand as our foreheads touched.

After a few moments, I went to bite off the other chain on her wrist. Unfortunately, I didn't get very far with that.

I was knocked to the side by a strong force. Roaring angrily, I sprang back onto my feet, meeting eyes with the person I wanted to kill more than anything.

"How impressive! Your boyfriend turned into a dragon," Dhutia clapped.

"Don't touch him," Y/n struggled to say. Her voice came out barely above a whisper, but I heard her.

"Or what?" Dhutia smirked, he shot his hand out as a purple spiral curled around her neck... Hasn't Y/n done that before? She did that thing ages ago at the coffee shop when they almost spilt the coffee on her. Is it a god thing or something?

It was my turn to knock him to the side now. He stumbled back and the magic around Y/n's neck disappeared as she coughed, gasping for air.

"I know that demons are no match for a dragon, but what about a god?" Dhutia smirked, "This will be a very interesting battle."

Y/n's POV

I was so terrified for Sting. He was fighting Dhutia as a dragon, but Dhutia was so strong. He has my magic too after all. He even used that purple spiral magic on me that I used to use.

I was completely powerless. He had successfully taken the power out of me and there wasn't anything I could do to stop it.

The extraction process hurt like hell. It felt like he was trying to rip my skin apart. He hasn't bothered to try and keep me alive since he took the magic from me. After all, I'm no used to him now. He got what he wanted.

"Is that all you've got?" Dhutia jeered as Sting shot more attacks at him. I could tell he was getting tired because he wasn't as fast anymore.

"Sting! Stop! You're hurting yourself!" I cried as he got hit by Dhutia a couple times.

"Shut it Y/n," Dhutia laughed.

Dhutia kicked something and it came towards me at high speed. I lifted my chain up at the exact moment so it hit the chain perfectly, cracking it slightly.

He sent one of his demons after me whilst he dealt with Sting. The demon looked down at me with red glowing eyes. He casted a spell and shot it at me. Again, I used the chain to block it. It was cracking more now.

"You can do better than that," I teased, hoping to make the demon angrier so his attacks would be more powerful, "You aren't a weak demon, are you?"

It worked because he shot another attack at me, finally breaking the chain.

"You fool!" Dhutia growled, making the demon disappear. He then turned to Sting and began to cast a spell. Sting was breathing heavily, unable to defend himself.

Sting's POV

Dhutia is freakishly strong. I can't keep up with him. He fights really similarly to Y/n. They use the same spells so I guess maybe it is a god thing.

He was about to launch an attack at me, when Y/n threw herself at Dhutia, knocking him away so he couldn't cast the spell. Why isn't she using her magic? The anti-magic chains are broken now so she should be able to use her magic now, right?

Regardless, I knew we couldn't fight Dhutia or win against him, so whilst he was recovering from Y/n's surprise shove, I put her on my back and used my head to break the ceiling of the lab, getting us out of there.

My eyelids were starting to get heavy. I felt exhausted. My vision went blurry but I managed to spot the portal in the distance, flying straight through it.

The pain of passing through the portal made me lose the last of my conscience. I saw the green forest with Rogue and the others standing there before I crashed and everything went black.

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