C h a p t e r E l e v e n

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Sting's POV

"I hope Y/n is okay..." I mumbled, sitting at the table with Rogue and Minerva. Y/n had told Minerva to tell me that she wouldn't be coming in today because she has a contagious cold and doesn't want to infect anyone. She also said that I wasn't allowed to visit her.

"I'm sure she's fine," Minerva spoke calmly, "That girl can handle a lot more than you think."

"Well she probably can considering she was Sabertooth's secret weapon," I scoffed at the last part.

"You know it's not her fault. She never told you because she was scared," Minerva frowned whilst defending Y/n.

Since yesterday when Y/n told me the whole truth, I felt betrayed that she didn't tell me earlier. It bothers me that she waited so long, I mean, does that show how much she trusts me?

"She should've just told me," I grumbled.

"Sting," Minerva gave me a really freaking scary look, "If you even dare to hurt her because of this stupid situation, I will hurt you a hundred times worse. Understood?"

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes.

"I think you need to see things more from her point of view, Sting," Rogue spoke stoically, "You're only thinking of yourself. That's not what a relationship is about."

"Oh and you'd know? You're only okay with this because your girlfriend fully trusts you!" I lashed out.

"I think you should take some time off," Rogue responded calmer than I expected.

"Whatever," I spat in fury, storming up to my office, where I willingly, for once, went in there where tons of paperwork towered over me.

Minerva's POV

"Maybe he should know where Y/n actually is," Rogue sighed, "This is wrong."

"I think it's wrong too, but when he finds out, he'll be so angry. I'm worried about how that'll affect Y/n," I responded.

When I swung by her house this morning, she had her backpack on and everything. She told me to tell Sting she was sick so he wouldn't go to find her. She was going to the temple.

I have an awful feeling about this, but she's my best friend. I should support and trust her...

"How long until Sting is somewhat calm again?" I asked.

"Maybe a week if you're lucky," Rogue half joked, "But realistically, it'll take around a month."

"Great," I sighed, "I just really hope this works out, otherwise I don't know what I'd do to help them."

"I know. I feel the same way," Rogue put an arm around me comfortingly. I leaned into him, hoping it would ease the worry I felt in the pit of my stomach.

Y/n's POV

I'm finally here again. The giant temple. I walked in, my hands tracing the patterns on the wall, every dent felt familiar. Every design looked familiar.

I walked to the puzzle again, immediately knowing where it was. The puzzle where there were tons of people, some with horns, some with weapons, some with halos, some with wings, all crowded around a baby.

Taking a closer look, I noticed one person in particular. Everyone had looks of joy and wonder, apart from him. He looked disgusted and agitated.

Why was he so annoyed? What was happening?

I looked slightly above the baby, seeing two people. One male, one female, who were particularly happy. They must be the parents. The male had large angelic wings, the female was the same.

I found another frame. I'm guessing all the pieces were missing. Luckily, there was one corner piece just by my feet. I picked it up and placed it in the corner. It didn't help with finding out what picture this would reveal.

Walking deeper into the temple, I walked into one specific room that seemed to make anxiety and uneasiness fill me.

It had old weapons. I don't know how old, but judging from how they were slightly deformed from the lack of use, I'm guessing they could be hundreds of years old.

The air suddenly felt thick and clammy, making me pant a little. My head was spinning and I stumbled forwards, just about catching myself.

I lightly pressed a hand onto one of the walls in the room to steady myself.

"Mum! What's happening?" I saw a little girl. She had (h/c) hair and (e/c) coloured eyes. She kind of resembled me, but I thought that was just a coincidence.

The young child was looking up at the female she referred to as 'mum.' It was the female from the puzzle I saw earlier. She must be the baby in the photo. She had silvery hair and piercing purple eyes.

"I need you to stay safe, okay?" The female spoke gently, "Mummy and daddy need to help out a bit."

"But...I wanna come with you!" The child frowned, tears forming in her eyes as they fell down her cheek, "I don't want to be alone...you know I hate being alone..."

"Don't cry..." The woman spoke calmly, wiping her tears away. Her voice...I've heard it before... It's like I know her, but then I don't.

"We need to go sweetheart," The male approached. It was the dad I'm assuming. He had golden hair and a pair of burning orange eyes, "We'll be back for you before you know it! Then we can play games all day!"

"Really?" The child asked, her eyes big, "Do you promise?"

"Yes, we promise," The male smiled. It was a sad smile, but the child didn't seem to notice. All the weapons had been taken now.

"We'll see you soon, okay?" The female kissed her on the forehead, and the male did the same.

"Okay! Love you mummy! Love you daddy!" The child beamed, letting herself get taken away by two other people that the parents had sent.

"I'll always love you, Y/n," The female cried. Y/n...?

I gasped as I was brought back to reality. That little girl. Her name was Y/n. It can't just be a coincidence, can it?

"Y/n...?" I thought I was hearing things, but then I saw a ghostly figure in front of me. It was that female...

She wasn't alive, I couldn't feel her, but her ghost was here.

"My sweet sweet child," She gasped, making her silvery wings fold up behind her so it didn't take up as much rooms

"W-w-who are you?" I stuttered. Then it hit me, "Mum...?"

"Y/n..." Tears poured down the female's cheeks, "I'm so sorry I left you Y/n..."

"But...you promised you'd come back for me..." My eyes began to water, "You didn't come back...you knew I hated being alone..."

Sting's POV

"I'm going to find Y/n," I spoke.

"No!" Minerva immediately protested, "You'll...you'll...you'll get sick!"

"I don't care," I shrugged.

"Minerva, we should tell him," Rogue gave in.

"Tell me what?" I raised an eyebrow. Minerva gave him a small nod with a frown on her face. Rogue took a deep breath.

"Y/n isn't sick. She's at the temple," Rogue finally spoke.

"You're freaking kidding me," I ran a hand through my hair in frustration, "I knew it."

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