C h a p t e r T h i r t y S e v e n

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Sting's POV

I took in my surroundings. Potions. Books. Medicine. I was laying on a bed and I felt a small weight on my arm. That's when I identified the adorable creature known as Y/n. She was sleeping soundly, holding my hand and resting her head on the bed.

I let out a sigh of relief I didn't know I was holding in. She's finally here with me. My body was still screeching in pain, but it felt okay at this moment in time because she was finally next to me again.

I noticed the bandages she had on her. One across her forehead, one on her arm, one on her leg and one on her torso. Just to clarify, I can see the one on her torso because she's wearing a loose cropped shirt. Get your mind out of the gutter!

"Thank Mavis you woke up. This kid hasn't eaten properly for a week because of you," I turned and found that the voice belonged to Porlyusica. She was mixing some potions on a table nearby to where I was laying.

"A week?" I questioned as she put the potions down and walked towards me. She crossed her arms and she didn't look pleased with me at all. I'm in for a scolding now, aren't I?

"You were out for a week," Porlyusica explained, surprisingly calmly, as she slowly took off the bandage on my arm, "If you didn't get brought to me when you did, you'd probably be joining Weisslogia up there."

I looked down at the wound. It was blood red still even after a week. I wonder how bad it was before that. In fact, how many bandages do I have on me? I looked down and saw one on my ankle, one on my wrist, one around my shoulder, another on my stomach, the one that Porlyusica is tending to right now, and I'm guessing I had a plaster on my cheek because I could feel it slightly. Did I really get that hurt? And I was a dragon as well! How did I lose to him?

"She's been by my side the whole time?" I finally asked after counting my injuries, not feeling very pleased with myself.

"Minerva and Rogue tried to drag her out, but she refused no matter how many times they attempted to get her out of here...she almost threw one of my books at them..." Porlyusica groaned, "One of these days, you two will end up killing each other by accident. When one of you get injured, the other one doesn't eat or do anything until they're better."

"That is not true," I shook my head.

"Yes it is," Porlyusica scoffed, "You turned into a damn dragon for her. That's not normal. You're not normal. You guys are both not normal."

"How are her wounds healing?" I asked.

"They probably would be healing better if she went home to rest, but nonetheless, they are healing correctly," Porlyusica responded, "Dhutia really did a number on her."

"Dhutia is an idiot," I spoke through gritted teeth, "If I see him again, I will not hesitate to try and attack. Just because he's strong, doesn't mean that he can get away with everything."

"Yeah you do that," Porlyusica rolled her eyes, "Just don't come crying to me about how many broken bones you have."

"How long has Y/n been sleeping here?" I asked, looking down at her adorable sleeping face, lifting my arm to run my hand through her hair gently.

"She fell asleep about five hours ago," Porlyusica responded.

Y/n's POV

I felt movement underneath my head. Was it morning already? What time is it? My eyelids felt so heavy and I couldn't open them no matter how hard I tried.

I turned around and saw my mother, Vammera. She was pulling me back, her hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Y/n," She spoke.

"Mum?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Y/n, you need to get your magic back!" She cried. Her face was full of panic and she had tears in her eyes from...fear?

"I will try," I nodded slowly.

"No. You have to get it back! Who knows what Dhutia will do now? He has too much magic! It's unstable and abnormal for someone to have that much! You need to get your magic back!" She continued crying.

"Mum, I will," I gave her a convincing smile. The truth was, I wasn't sure how I'd get it back either.

I felt her hand around my wrist slip off. She faded away and my eyes opened, meeting the bright light. I had sweat beads on my forehead and I was panting heavily.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Someone asked me.

"Yeah yeah, I'm good," I nodded, still not fully aware of my surroundings. That's when I realised who that voice belonged to, "STING!"

I jumped up, tackling him into a hug. His arms felt so good around me. We were finally together again.

"My Y/n..." He murmured, wrapping his arms tighter around me, looking at me with half-lidded eyes before he closed them and kissed me.

"Get a room," Porlyusica scoffed, "And if you break anything, don't come running back to me."

"Porlyusica," I spoke, "Thanks for saving us again!"

"Don't get used to it," She rolled her eyes before kicking us out of her place, but not before giving me a subtle wink.

We left and went back to the Sabertooth guild hall which I hadn't seen in ages! Everyone was so happy to see me back and I was so happy to see all of them.

The only thing that kept bothering me was my magic. How do I tell Sting? And even if I do tell him, how are we going to get it back? Maybe I should just run away and do it myself...but then again, I did that last time and got captured, although I doubt Dhutia wants to capture me, I'm powerless now.

"What're you thinking of?" Sting poked my cheek.

"Dhutia took all my magic," I blurted out, then covered my mouth when I realised what I had just said. I was so stressed out that I just let it out bluntly by accident.

"Wait, what?"

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