C h a p t e r F o r t y

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Y/n's POV

"Who's there?!" I heard Zeref's voice as I approached him.

"Zeref, it's me," I spoke softly, walking up to him cautiously.

"Y/n? Why is your presence so different? I'd usually be able to feel you from a mile away," Zeref tilted his head sideways in confusion.

"That's what I came to talk to you about," I sighed, "Dhutia took my magic when I was in his lab."

"We were too late..." Zeref frowned, "I thought we rescued you safe and sound..."

"I am safe and sound," I gave him a reassuring smile. He looked really upset.

"But you aren't," His eyes started watering, "I'm meant to be the great and powerful dark wizard, Zeref, yet I can't even protect my best friend. I was a coward. I only helped your friends find the portal, I didn't even go in."

"Zeref, I appreciate it so much that you helped out in my rescue. You're not a coward," I hugged him, "I promise."

"Okay..." He sighed into my shoulder.

"I came to ask you if you knew any spells that could help me regain my magic, or any type of magic," I spoke when we pulled away.

"Hmm..." Zeref made a book appear in his hands.

It looked old and had a thick layer of dust on top of it. He brushed it off and opened the book, revealing yellow worn out pages. It looked like it was about to fall apart.

I could smell the book from where I was standing and it did not have that typical new book smell. It smelt like rotten overdate fruits. I actually wanted to throw up from the smell. Then he began to flip through the pages, making the scent waft into my nostrils more and causing my eyes to water from the foulness of it.

"You good there?" Zeref looked up at me, realising I had my arm to my nose, trying to block out the smell.

"No," I choked, "Why does it smell so bad?"

"Oh I did that just in case anyone gets a hold of it. It's full of powerful spells and all so if someone managed to somehow get it, they'd immediately be repelled from the bad smell!" He responded proudly, "It could cause a lot of trouble if someone casted these spells with bad intentions."

"Good on you," I coughed, feeling the smell enter my throat, "Can you make it go away temporarily?"

"Oh! Yeah I can!" Zeref nodded.

"Well...can you?!" I gasped. If he could do that, why didn't he do it earlier?! I'm practically dying here!

"Sure!" Zeref smiled and the smell slowly disappeared, allowing me to breathe clean air. I'm never going to take oxygen for granted after this.

"Thanks," I breathed.

"I found it!" Zeref exclaimed as he turned the page, "The potion of power restoration, but it will take a while to prepare."

"How long?" I asked.

"A week if we're lucky," He responded, "It is very advanced and powerful. I think I've only done this potion once before."

"Okay. I'm going to go back to tell the others!" I smiled with excitement. I was finally going to get my magic back! I hope it works, "I'll come back later in the week to help you out!"

"See you soon," Zeref waved with a smile as I skipped off.

Sting's POV

I was back at Porlyusica's once more. My wounds weren't healing properly again and another one got infected. She said it was because she let me leave too early last time.

"You're always so grumpy when Y/n isn't around," Rogue commented. He and Minerva had come to visit me to keep me company for a bit whilst I was supposedly resting.

"It's because she is my happiness," I crossed my arms, "Just like how Minerva is your happiness."

"You're not wrong," Rogue nodded, making a light shade of pink appear on Minerva's cheeks.

"GUYS!" Y/n burst through the door, startling all of us.

"Y/n!" I beamed as she came over.

"Zeref is making a potion for me to regain my magic! It's super advanced though, so he said he would take at least a week to make it, but I'm getting my magic back!" She explained with so much excitement that she was practically screaming.

"That's so good!" Minerva grinned, hugging her, "It's all working out!"

"I know right!" She responded.

"Then we can go and get back at Dhutia," Rogue pat her on the head, "Minerva and I were about to head back to the guild. We've had to fill in for Sting since his wounds are continuing to be difficult, so we'll see you later."

"Okay! Bye!" Y/n waved and then turned to me. I immediately sat up as she tackled me in a hug.

"You're cute when you're happy," I smirked.

"Shush you," She poked my nose. I leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"I missed you princess," I pouted.

"I missed you too," She leaned her head on my shoulder. Just then, Porlyusica walked in, stopping when she saw me and Y/n.

"Absolutely not," She shook her head, "Sting, you should be resting."

"I am resting!" I protested as she pushed Y/n to the door.

"But Rogue and Minerva got to visit him!" Y/n fought back.

"Because Rogue and Minerva would let him rest! If his lips needed exercising, I would've called you!" Porlyusica groaned, "You can visit him later!"

"It's not fair!" Y/n threw a little tantrum, making me chuckle at her childish actions.

Y/n's POV

"I am so upset!" I stormed into the guild hall.

"Who upset you?" Orga asked, "I'll beat them up!"

"Porlyusica!" I sat cross-legged on the floor, sulking.

"Oh, you're on your own then. That woman is scary," Orga shivered.

"She wouldn't let me stay with Sting!" I exclaimed as if it was the largest crime that has ever been committed.

"Sting needs his rest. I'm sure he'll be back soon," Rufus tried to calm me down.

"RUFUS! HOW DARE YOU IMPLY THAT I AM A DISTURBANCE TO HIS REST?!" I roared as he backed away slowly.

"I wasn't implying that!" Rufus shook his head quickly.

"You're a dead man," Rogue commented.

"Run Rufus, run," Minerva laughed.


"IF I WANTED TO GET KILLED, I WOULD COME BACK!" He shouted back, running the opposite direction to me.



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