C h a p t e r S i x t e e n

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Y/n's POV

I was running far away, but I didn't know where to. I was feeling intense fear, but I didn't know what from.

I was running through a forest. I recognise this route, but I can't quite remember where I've seen it before.

I couldn't control my body at all. I wanted to turn around to see what I was running from, but I couldn't. I couldn't control a single movement. My body was moving on its own.

The branches and twigs were pulling at my clothing as my body ran through some bushes. It stung a little as some of them were a little sharp.

I was getting tired, but I still didn't stop. I couldn't stop.

The trees continued to crunch as I made my escape, the escape from something that I was obviously fearful of, but unsure of what it was.

Then I tripped. There was nothing blocking my path, so I wasn't sure what I tripped over. That was until I saw a shadow looming over me. I thought it was just Rogue for a moment, but then I realised how big the shadow was, and what a terrifying aura it was giving off. This was definitely not Rogue. Not even Future Rogue would give off this kind of aura.

Suddenly, I was in control of my body as I scrambled to my feet. I saw a large figure. It was a tall male with raven black hair and lifeless white eyes. I could see the dark eye circles on his pale skin, but something tells me that that's just how he looks.

"Who are you?" I asked, being slightly cautious of the mysterious figure in front of me. Was he a friend or a foe?

"You'll know soon enough," He responded, and then his mouth twisted into a sinister smirk, "When I take everything you love away from you."

"I don't even know you," I raised my eyebrow at him, unimpressed with his threat. Yeah, he's definitely not a friend.

"I think you'll pick it up. Vammera used to say you were going to grow up to be a very smart child," He chortled.

"You knew my mother?" I asked, suddenly shocked.

"Oh sweetheart," He smiled innocently, "I killed your mother!"

"You...killed her...?" I couldn't register it in my head at first. My mother was so powerful. Well, all the books say so, "YOU MONSTER!"

"That's no way to talk to your uncle now, is it?" He poked my nose.

"Uncle?" I growled, the anger still boiling inside of me.

"Don't you remember me? I'm Dhutia! Your father's brother!" He put his arms out as if he was expecting a hug. Man, I really wanted to punch this guy, but something tells me to be a little more cautious than that.

"You're Dhutia?" I scoffed, "So you're the idiot that my mother wanted to protect me from?"

Clearly not cautious enough to mind my own words though... This loud mouth is going to get me in trouble some day...

"I certainly am, and it's a shame really. You're on your own. Your mother can't protect you now," Dhutia snarled.

"I don't need her protection," I glowered, "I have people to help me."

"Not after I take them away from you," Dhutia pouted, "Starting with your little boyfriend, Sting Eucliffe."

"Stay away from him," I threatened, "I will kill you if you even go near him."

"I must say though Y/n, you have very good taste," Dhutia continued, "Sting Eucliffe is one hell of an eye candy."

"I'm not joking Dhutia," I growl, "Stay away from him."

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. I don't think you realise this. Yes, you're a very powerful being, but your uncle here is a lot more powerful than you will ever be," Dhutia explained as if he was genuinely teaching me this piece of information. Is this guy for real? I can't tell if he's joking or not.

"You're funny," I laughed hysterically. This situation was so pathetic that it was humorous at this point.

"I'm sure I am," He smirked, "I'll be funnier when you realise everything I just said is true."

He put a hand up to me, and then I felt an intense headache. I yelled, my hands flying up to my head, clutching it. It's like I could hear extremely loud shouts and ringing, whilst my head pounded in pain.

Sting's POV

Y/n didn't turn up to the guild today, so I'm a little worried. I asked Minerva and Rogue, but they said they genuinely didn't know where she was. At first I didn't believe them, but they swore on their lives they didn't know, so I believed them after that.

"M'lady, give me Y/n's address. I'm going to go find her," I asked.

"Okay," Minerva nodded slowly, as she wrote down Y/n's address on a piece of paper, "Here."

Looking down at the piece of paper, I realised her house was quite far out. Would I need to take a vehicle to get there...?

Nope. No way. I'll just sprint there. I could use the exercise anyway.

I got there in around twenty minutes. Her house was moderate in size. I walked up to the wooden door and I knocked loudly.

There was no reply, but I could smell that she was in there. She wouldn't be hiding from me, would she?

I knocked again, but louder.

Still no response.

I walked around her house, checking for an open window. Luckily, there was one and it was on the first floor, so I didn't need to climb to it or anything.

I felt like a creep, but I went in through the open window which led to her kitchen. I could smell her scent so I ran to where it was coming from.

It was her bedroom, but when I entered, I was surprised to see that she was sleeping, but tears were streaming down her face. She was crying in her sleep.

I softly shook her, calling her name. When that didn't work, I shook her a little harder and spoke louder until she woke up.

"Y/n," I loosened my grip on her shoulders when her eyes finally opened.

"Sting..." She spoke back. She looked like she was still in a daze as she woke up. I noticed her rub her eyes and then she looked back down at the water on her hands from the tears, "I was crying?"

"Yeah, you were. You wouldn't wake up," I explained, "Are you okay? What happened?"

"...I met Dhutia," She looked as though she was debating whether or not to tell me about it. I placed my hand on hers, rubbing circles on the back of her hand comfortingly, urging her to continue, "He was threatening me, telling me he was going to take whoever I loved away. He said he'd take you away from me."

Then her eyes watered again as if she couldn't bare the thought of it. I wrapped my arms around her as she cried into my chest. Her sobs echoing filling the room. Her cries tore my heart apart. It hurts to see her so upset and down when she's usually so full of sunshine and smiles.

"He couldn't take me away even if he tried," I smiled, speaking soothingly, running my fingers through her h/c hair, "Hey, don't worry, Y/n. I'm not leaving."

This Dhutia guy is already getting on my nerves. I'm going to make sure my whole guild is on alert at all times so we can be prepared to beat this dude into a pulp. This guy may be a God or whatever, but no one makes my girlfriend cry.

No one.

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