C h a p t e r F o r t y T h r e e

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Sting's POV

Dhutia had crossed the line this time. He really went as far as to pretending to be me so he could get to Y/n? It angered me even more when Rogue told me about the attack that Dhutia's minions had launched when I was at Porlyusica's.

"Sting, it'll be okay. Calm. We will get her back," Rogue's voice sounded distant and seemed to get drowned out by the thoughts in my head.

What did he even want with her? He already took her magic, which was what he wanted, right? Unless...it wasn't enough and he wanted her dead as well.

"Let's not be impulsive, come on Sting," Rogue put a hand on my shoulder, but hissed in pain as there was a sizzling sound coming from his hand. He stepped back, unsure of what was happening.

"Are you okay?!" Minerva asked, grabbing his wrist so she could see his hand. I saw the scorching burn on his hand.

"Oh damn, I'm so sorry Rogue," I apologised, but my voice came out different. It was lower and huskier. It had an intimidating edge to it.

I looked down at my hands. They were glowing and I was growing scales on my arms. The floor got further away as I got taller. When I was looking at the floor, I noticed my feet, or rather, my claws. It was happening again. I was going into dragon mode, but I was in more control this time. Using my tongue, I swiped it across my teeth. They were a lot sharper, that's for sure.

"I don't think he took your advice," Minerva coughed.

Everything was in high resolution. I could see every scale on myself, even when I grew taller and my feet were further away.

"OH DAMN!" Orga choked when he saw me.

"That's splendid! He's turned into a dragon!" Rufus clapped.

"Wait, doesn't that mean that he's like Acnologia?" Dobengal questioned, "Because he turned into a dragon and now look at him."

"I think that he's in control and for him, it's just a really advanced spell that he can only cast when his emotions are extreme," Rogue explained.

That's when I finally snapped to my senses. My girlfriend was in a hot air balloon with Dhutia. I mean, Y/n can defend herself very well even without magic, but that doesn't mean I'm going to let her do this alone.

I let out a fearful roar before bursting out of the guild hall's double wooden doors, making them fly off its hinges and snap in half...I'll have to pay for damages later.

Y/n's POV

"It's so nice that you aren't getting motion sick out here," I commented, staring at the clouds we went past, "You should ask Wendy to do this more often."

"Wendy?" He looked at me, puzzled.

"Yeah, Wendy. The young blue haired girl from Fairy Tail that healed your motion sickness for this hot air balloon ride temporarily?" I raised an eyebrow. He was acting very off. It was probably because he wasn't used to being on a moving vehicle and not throwing up his insides.

"Oh yeah, her," He nodded, "So how far can you shoot your magic?"

"More like 'how far could you.' Dhutia took my magic away, remember?" I crossed my arms, turning to him.

"Oh yeah," He nodded again, "So you don't have any magic left in you, whatsoever?"

"No, you know that I don't," I looked him straight in the eye. He was being quite insensitive about this situation. He knew that I was upset about it and that Zeref and I are working hard to find a cure, "Why are you being so inconsiderate?"

"I'm not," He shrugged me off. Oh no, he did not just shrug me off like that.

"Yes you are! You're being so rude!" I glared, "Sting, you're never like this!"

"Maybe you don't know me as well as you thought," He smirked. Was he being for real?

"I'd like to think that I know the man, no, boy, I'm dating! I can't even call you a man because you are acting so immature," I scoffed, "Bring the hot air balloon down. I don't want to see you right now."

"But I thought you missed me oh so much when you were captured by Dhutia?" He snarled.

"I did, and maybe I made a mistake in that. Now, end this trip," I ordered.

"So you would've rather stayed with Dhutia?" He interrogated.

"No! You know how much I suffered there, Sting!" I shouted.

"Well that's a shame, I was starting to grow fond of you," He murmured loud enough for me to hear. Then he swung a punch at me that I just about dodged.

"What the hell, Sting?" I was so hurt. What happened to him? Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Then he caught me off guard, grabbing me by the neck and lifting me off of the hot air balloon's flooring.

"You're so trusting, Y/n," He smirked. That's when my worst nightmare came true. Sting's blond hair went black and his eyes went white. His face completely changed, as did his body and height. They changed to form the monster that I knew very well. That monster was called Dhutia, "You helped me clarify that you were still powerless so I knew I could attack."

"What the hell Dhutia? You already took my magic from me, what more do you want?!" I shouted, struggling against his grip, trying to pry his hands off of my neck.

"You see, Y/n, when I took your magic, I had all your abilities, but that seemed to only last for a few days. I no longer have your magic, and if you don't have it either, then that's a bit of an issue, isn't it?" He explained, "Therefore, I knew I had to come get you again. I also knew you'd be hanging around your guild a lot and your dragon boyfriend, so I had to get you far away from all of them. What better place to bring you to then the sky? You can't fly and no one can hear your calls for help."

"You're a sick person," I spat.

"I know, I'm pretty cool," He laughed and I rolled my eyes, "Now, I'm going to need to keep you at my lab until I sort out this issue just in case I need you."

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