C h a p t e r F i f t e e n

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Y/n's POV

Sting and I were going on a small ice cream date before we headed to the library. He volunteered to help me research my past or anything that could be linked to it.

He's really trying hard to make an effort with it all and to be honest, I really appreciate it.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n," Sting poked me in the forehead as he sat opposite me.

"Yes?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Got you!" He put some ice cream on my nose, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

"Oi! Do you have a death wish?" I wiped it off of my nose.

"I love you," He pouted with the most adorable puppy dog eyes possible.

"You're lucky you're cute," I rolled my eyes.

"And hot," He smirked.

"And cocky," I added.

"But you love it," He winked.

"Do I?" I raised an eyebrow. Then he put on his ultimate puppy dog eyes again, "Fine, fine! Yeah, I love you."

He continued to eat his ice cream happily, like a child. His eyes were practically sparkling.

"Whatcha staring at?" He tilted his head in confusion at me.

"You," I laughed.

"Like I said earlier, I'm hot," He winked, "That's why you can't keep your eyes off of me."

"Oh shut up already," I rolled my eyes jokingly.

"I know how to shut you up," A mischievous glint appeared in his eye.

"Stop it," I groaned. He just laughed and devoured the rest of his ice cream as I finished off mine.

After we finished up, I said I'd meet him at the library and that I had some things to sort out before then. In actual fact, I was going to see Zeref. I wanted to ask him about my mother, Vammera and that other guy she mentioned...Dhutia, was it?

Anyway, I trudged through the forest. I always knew where to find Zeref. It was just wherever I could feel the death.

I couldn't see any dead trees for a start, but I did feel uneasiness. Zeref must be about to have one of his outbursts.

Quickly, I sprinted to where I felt he was. Sure enough, he sat on the ground, with his back against a tree, and his hands knitted in his hair in distress.

"Zeref..." I spoke softly, as I approached him. I was never affected by his outbursts because...well...I don't really know. Maybe it had something to do with my strength? Or the fact that my mother is Vammera, I mean, I only found that out recently.

"Y/n!" He cried out, "I can't control it."

I sat next to him, wrapping my arms around him gently, pulling his head into my shoulder.

"Take it easy," I soothed as I ran my fingers through his hair, slowly calming him down, "It'll be over soon, just stay calm."

I felt his sniffs and sobs as he tried to calm down.

After around five minutes, he was calm and the air was no longer thick with tension.

"Thank you," Zeref sighed, giving me a quick hug, before sitting upright, as I let him go, "I don't know why, I can just never control it."

"It's okay, it'll take time," I smiled, "Just try to stay calm, right?"

"Yeah," He nodded, "So how come you came here? Were you looking for me?"

"Actually, yes, I was," I nodded, "A week or so ago, I saw my mother, Vammera."

"Vammera? She's one of the most powerful Goddesses!" Zeref exclaimed, "She's your mother?!"

"Apparently so," I nodded slowly, "Do you know anything about her?"

"Well, I only came across her once...she was scolding me for using dark magic..." Zeref visibly shivered and I held in a laugh at the thought of my mother reprimanding Zeref, "But I know that she married another God called Gather, who is the God of all Gods."

"So...Gather is my dad?"

"If you're certain that Vammera's your mother, then yes, Gather would be your father."

"I see...was Gather nice?"

"Yes, they both were very nice people...when Vammera isn't lecturing you...but those two were the strongest beings during that time period," Zeref nodded, "Then something happened and they all disappeared...well, we thought everyone disappeared, but then there was you."

"I thought you found me in the forest?"

"I found you in the forest near the temple."

"I see...so why wasn't I dead?"

"I don't know. I don't even know how they were all wiped out."

"Okay...I should probably get back to Sting now. Thanks for your help!" I smiled, standing up.

"Any time," He smiled back and waved as I left. Damn it! I forgot to ask about Dhutia...oh well, I'll just see if I can find anything on him in the library...

Sting's POV

Y/n's been gone for about half an hour now. I'm trying not to get cranky about it because I promised her I'd be there for her, and I have to trust her or this relationship will never work out.

I've been at the library gathering research on any Gods and Goddesses that may be relevant. I don't think I've ever stayed in a library for this long before. It's a miracle.

Y/n turned up, sliding into the seat next to me.

"Hey," She smiled, kissing me on the cheek.

"Hello," I smiled back, "So I've got a couple important Gods and Goddesses down. Gather and Vammera, the most powerful ones-"

"Vammera is my mum," She spoke up. I almost choked.

"Really?!" I exclaimed.

"Quiet in the library. If you wish to be loud, please leave, thank you," I heard the librarian shout. Wow, she's uptight.

"Yes, so I'm guessing if Vammera is my mum, then Gather is my dad, unless Vammera dated anyone else?" She spoke.

"From the books, it says Vammera was only with Gather," I responded. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I'm honestly in a bit of disbelief.

I don't really believe it, but at the same time, I do. I mean, it'd explain her insane magic energy and power. Also, Y/n seems very sure of what she's saying, so I guess I should just trust her.

"How did you know she was your mother?" I asked.

"That day at the temple, she appeared and spoke to me," Y/n sighed, "It's like all my memories came flooding back again."

"I see," I nodded, still in disbelief.

"Did you find out anything on someone called Dhutia?" She asked.

"Dhutia? As in Dhutia, the God of War?" I raised an eyebrow and she nodded, "Many actually suspect he was the cause of everyone being wiped out. He's insanely destructive and cares about nothing but conflict."

"But, how could he be the cause if he was a God too? All the Gods and Goddesses were wiped out, weren't they?" She pointed out.

"That's what I thought, but none of the books speak about his death at all. It does for the other Gods and Goddesses, who all have the same death because they were wiped out at the same time, but on Dhutia's it just leaves that area blank," I explained, opening Dhutia's book to the correct page, "And a lot of the pages are ripped out."

"So Dhutia may still be alive?"


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