C h a p t e r T h i r t y

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Rogue's POV

"I promise I'm fine!" Sting fought back. Erza had told Mirajane that she will stay here and take care of Sting whilst we go and investigate the temple.

"No you are not, Sting," Erza responded sternly, "You will remain here."

"I'm really okay!" Sting denied and tried to get up, but yelled in pain as he realised that he wasn't fully healed.

"Make sure he stays here," Erza spoke to Mirajane, "He will no doubt try and come after us."

"Oh, don't worry," Mirajane transformed into her Satan Soul form, "I'll make sure he stays here and rests."

"We'll be back soon. Hopefully we'll find some clues and get a few steps closer to finding them," Erza nodded before we all set off.

Sting was practically begging Mirajane with puppy dog eyes and everything, but she remained stern.

"So you've visited that temple before?" Laxus asked me.

"Yes. We came by a while ago and this is where Y/n recovered some of her memories," I nodded.

"Ah, I see," Laxus responded.

"This is also the place where Sting was an absolute idiot to Y/n which caused Y/n to destroy part of a forest," I sighed, remembering when Sting broke up with her.

"Well it seems like Sting wouldn't dare to do that again after this incident," Erza stated, "He's realised what it's like to lose someone."

"You make it sound like Y/n is dead," Natsu commented.

"I'd like to think she isn't, but I am very worried about Y/n and Minerva. We are up against a god after all," Erza frowned.

"But Y/n is a god too," Laxus pointed out.

"Yes, so I'm hoping that balances it out, but if Y/n was a god, surely she'd have a chance at beating Dhutia?" Erza spoke, "Which means she would've at least shown some sort of sign that she's battled Dhutia like an explosion or something, but we've had nothing."

"What do you think happened to them?" Natsu asked.

"I don't want to think about it. I just hope we find them," Erza responded.

We entered into the dusty old temple. It looked like how we had left it last time.

"Woah, was this a puzzle? That's so cool!" Natsu pointed at the painting puzzle that we solved last time.

"Yeah, Sting, Minerva, Y/n and I solved it a while back. When Y/n touched it, she regained her memories," I nodded, tracing my fingers along the engravings of the paintings.

I don't know why I thought that something would happen if I touched it like when Y/n did because nothing happened. I guess I was just being hopeful.

"Rogue, you know the layout of this temple more than any of us do. How do you suggest we go about investigating it?" Erza asked me.

"I think that we should all stay together," I responded quite quickly, "Reason being, if Dhutia was to pop up, we wouldn't be able to hold our ground if it was just one of us, and this was a temple for gods and goddesses, so we can't be certain that he won't decide to show up. It's technically his home."

Y/n's POV

Dhutia was getting really frustrated with me. He couldn't take the magic out of me and he was fuming. He'd tried pretty much everything. He even tried to suffocate it out of me at some point.

He had me out of the anti-magic column now. Great, right? Wrong. Instead, he had tied anti-magic rope around my arms and feet, attaching them to the corner of the lab. He could experiment on me freely now, and trust me, he has been.

He's injected about ten different things into me. One of them made me throw up so much. The other one made my body go so numb that I just collapsed onto the floor.

"JUST GIVE ME YOUR MAGIC!" Dhutia shouted at me. I could feel his hot breath on my face as he got ridiculously close to me. Does he think that the closer he gets to my face, the closer he'll get to my powers? How funny.

"GET LOST!" I spat on him. I practically saw his eyes go blood red from anger. He grabbed me by the neck, his whole hand covering my neck, and lifted me a little off the ground.

"I can kill you, just like that," Dhutia growled in my face.

"And then all my power goes to no one," I scoffed, "So go on, I dare you."

He tightened his grip around my neck, making me cough a little. When he realised that if he killed me, he wouldn't be able to take my power, he just threw me onto the ground harshly.

Rogue's POV

We were currently in the library right now, trying to find clues on Dhutia's location.

"What about this book on Dhutia?" Natsu lifted up the book casually. I practically lunged at him, taking the book and flicking through the pages.

The one on Dhutia at the public library had all the pages ripped out. This one had every single page.

"Keep it. We'll bring this back to camp," I ordered and Natsu nodded, cautiously taking the book back from me.

"Doesn't the wall look weird here?" Laxus asked, "I think these books are blocking a painting or something."

"I don't know how much a painting will-" Natsu began, but I had already thrown myself at those bookshelves, breaking all of them to reveal the large painting that was hidden behind them.

It was Dhutia sitting down. He was sitting in a dark forest with a large building behind him. Is that his location? That's his location! That building is probably where he's keeping Minerva and Y/n!

"DHUTIA IS IN THAT FOREST!" I exclaimed, pointing at it, "THEY'RE IN THAT BUILDING!"

"That forest isn't real," Zeref commented. I jumped from shock.

"You and Mavis just keep disappearing and reappearing. Stop it!" I scolded them, but they didn't look too bothered.

"That forest doesn't exist in Fiore, or in the world," Mavis continued.

"What do you mean? How can it not exist?" Erza asked.

"It's just not a forest in this world," Zeref responded, "I've travelled all across the world and studied many places."

"So it just isn't real?" Natsu raised an eyebrow.

"No. It's not real."

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