C h a p t e r T w e n t y T h r e e

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Sting's POV

"You've come across Dhutia before?" Rogue asked Mavis.

"Unfortunately, yes," Mavis sighed, "He's definitely the God of War. Due to all of the power he has, that he managed to take out of all the other Gods, he's insanely strong."

"What happened when you met him?" Rogue continued.

"If I didn't follow my instincts and ran, he would've torn me to shreds," Mavis shivered, "Just one glance from him already told me that I should run."

"So what can we do to bring back Y/n and Minerva?" I asked, hopeful that they had some sort of solution to our situation.

"Well, we have no idea whereabouts they could even be and even if we did find them, Dhutia would probably destroy us," Mavis spoke.

"Sting, Rogue, I think it'd be best if you two stayed overnight whilst the first master and I talk things through. It's getting late and you two need to rest so if we come up with a plan, we can act on it tomorrow," Makarov explained to us.

We were reluctant to rest, but we both agreed and stayed in their spare rooms. Rogue sat in my room for a while so we could talk a little before going to sleep.

"I've never been so scared of losing someone before, Sting," Rogue spoke quietly.

"I know," I nodded, "Me too."

"What happens if we don't find them?" Rogue asked, "What will we do if Dhutia has hurt them?"

"I will tear him to shreds even if it means I die in the process," I responded through gritted teeth, angry at the thought of Dhutia even laying a finger on Y/n.

"It worries me because of how strong those two are, yet they can't defeat Dhutia," Rogue sighed, "I'm worried that we won't end up with a plan to defeat him."

"I know," I nodded again, unsure of how to respond because he was right. I couldn't even deny it.

"I'm going to sleep," Rogue stood up and left the room, "I'll see you in the morning."

I waved as he shut the door behind him.

Suddenly my breathing became irregular and it felt as though my heart was burning. I choked a little as I tried to swallow down the cry that erupted from my throat. I pulled at my hair, stressed about the situation as I tried to control my emotions.

My body shook every time I sobbed. I didn't even realise how much I was holding it all in until now.

I just can't stand it. Why did it have to happen? I should've just kept an eye on her instead of staying in the infirmary!

Why am I so weak?!

I clenched my eyes shut as the tears continued to stream down my cheeks. I kept wiping them but they just kept on coming. I couldn't stop them.

I just miss her so damn much. I miss having her in my arms. I miss kissing those her lips. I miss holding her hand. I miss holding her.

I miss her.

I wish that it was all a nightmare and that I'll wake up, and see her safe and sound, but I know it's not a nightmare. It's all real.

Y/n's POV

"You've gone awfully quiet, Y/n. Any specific reason?" Dhutia asked as he was looking at some papers on his table.

"I don't know, maybe because you've been trying to extract power from me for a few days now?" I rolled my eyes, "Idiot."

"Careful. I can make you hurt more," He threatened, his fingers hovering over the buttons.

"Whatever," I spat. My skin had gone numb from his failed attempts of getting the power out of me.

Nothing hurt anymore, apart from one thing.

What hurt the most was my love for Sting. I missed him so much and I would do anything just to hug him right now.

He would tell me everything was okay, and we'd break out together. Rogue would come and save Minerva, and we'd defeat Dhutia.

But that won't happen. Sting and Rogue won't be able to find us. Dhutia has hidden us deep in the forest in a large cave. They won't even be able to smell us because of the magic Dhutia has used on this cave.

The only person that'd be able to find us is probably Zeref since he knows each forest like his backyard from his many decades of travelling, but they will never know to go to him because I never spoke about him to them.

I turned to my side and saw Minerva. She hasn't moved for hours now since Dhutia said he extracted the power from her. She looked drained of any life force.

She almost looked dead.

I tried to catch her attention by calling her name softly and hitting the cylinder I was in, but she didn't even flinch.

"She won't die," Dhutia spoke, "The water you're both in preserves your lives. She might die though when I throw her in the dungeons tomorrow. She's useless to me now, so I don't need her here."

"Don't you dare," I yelled.

"And what are you going to do about it?" He sneered, "My guess is, she'll survive around a week before she dies."

"I'll kill you," I glowered.

"You'll try," He laughed.

Sting's POV

I had my hands over my mouth, trying to quieten my cries. I had been crying for over an hour now. I just felt so weak and helpless.

There was a light knock on my door so I wiped away my tears and took a deep breath, opening the door.

To my surprise, I saw Happy there.

"Hey Sting, I could hear you crying from down the corridor," Happy flew up so he was my eye level.

"Sorry," I apologised, wiping away more tears since they never stopped.

"No, don't be sorry," Happy shook his head, "I just wanted to check on you. You must be really really upset. I don't know what I'd do if a freak took Carla from me..."

"It's okay Happy, I'm okay," I tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"I know you're not, but all of Fairy Tail is here to support you if you need us!" Happy beamed.

"Thanks," I smiled back as he flew off.

I closed the door and sighed.

Y/n, wherever you are, I miss you so much.

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