C h a p t e r T h i r t y S i x

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Y/n's POV

"Sting! Wake up!" I cried as I hugged Sting's dragon head. He was covered with bruises and cuts from his wings to his clawed feet. No doubt, he was losing a lot of blood.

"That's Sting?!" Erza exclaimed. Everyone gasped in shock that the large white dragon in front of us was the cocky blonde dragon slayer.

"He turned into a dragon when we got caught in the dungeons," Rogue explained, "He saved all of us."

"Sting!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face when I couldn't get any reaction from the white beaten-up dragon.

Then the dragon glowed really brightly. Everyone looked away from how bright it was, but I refused. I kept my eyes glued to the dragon no matter how much it was burning my eyes.

The glowing dragon suddenly transformed back into Sting. He was laying on his back and his injuries looked very severe.

"We need to get him to Porlyusica. Now," Minerva spoke sternly but calmly. Everyone nodded and Laxus lifted him up gently as we ran to Porlyusica's place which, luckily for us, wasn't too far away.

"Do you kids ever learn?!" Porlyusica scolded us, "Put him on my examining table at once!"

"Will he be okay?" I asked her when everyone went outside, leaving only me, her and Sting in the room. I had to stay behind because she was treating mine and Minerva's wounds. Minerva got to leave earlier because she wasn't hurt too much.

"You need to rest too, idiot," She scoffed, eyeing the bandages she had put on me. I had one across my torso, one around my forehead area, one on my arm and one on my leg. Porlyusica said my other wounds should heal naturally.

"I know, but I can't help but worry about him. He is hurt because of me after all," I frowned, "So will he be okay?"

"Of course he will be. He's injured terribly, but you troublesome kids don't come to me because I'm bad at what I do now, do you?" Porlyusica scoffed, "Now go wait outside. Your worried state makes me feel sick."

"Okay," I sighed, nodding as I made my way to the front door.

"And Y/n," Porlyusica stopped me, causing me to look back at her. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, "When are you going to tell them about your powers?"

"You know?" I asked, shocked she already picked up on it, "How did you know?"

"If you had your powers, you would've already used it to try and heal Sting," Porlyusica pointed out.

"I know," I sighed, "I don't know. Don't tell them yet though. I need time to figure things out first."

"Well, okay, but don't hide it from them for too long. You can't hide it forever," Porlyusica advised, "And Dhutia is now the most powerful being to have existed. That may prove to be a problem."

"Yeah, I know," I nodded with a frown as I met up with the others who were waiting outside of Porlyusica's place. They all seemed to be in a deep conversation.

"Y/n! How are you feeling?" Mirajane asked me as soon as I approached them.

"A lot better," I gave her a smile. I turned to Minerva, "You?"

"I wasn't even hurt that much," Minerva shrugged, "So I feel great."

"So what were you guys talking about? It looked pretty intense," I asked.

"Oh, it wasn't that intense," Erza responded, "We just figured out that when we tried to enter the portal, only Sting and Rogue got through. The rest of us were transported back in the forest, but in a different location of the forest."

"That means that Dhutia most likely controls who goes in and out of the forest," Laxus added, "That also means that Sting could be incredibly hurt since he obviously forced himself through the portal to get back to where we were since Dhutia wouldn't have given him permission."

"I'm guessing he took the hits too since you weren't burnt or anything from the portal," Natsu spoke, holding up his arm which had a large burn on it, "That portal burned us when we went through. It was way too hot for me and I'm a fire dragon slayer for Mavis' sake!"

"Okay now I'm very concerned for Sting," I groaned.

Sting's POV

Where the heck am I? It looks like I'm just floating in the middle of a black void or something. I looked around, but it was the same all the way.

"HEY!" I shouted, "IS ANYONE THERE?!"

My voice came out loud, but it didn't echo out. It's not a cave then.

Am I dead? The last thing I remember was passing out, but from what? Am I in the waiting room for heaven or something? Is that a thing?

"HEY! I'M RIGHT HERE!" I shouted even louder, "YOU CAN TAKE ME TO HEAVEN NOW!"

I still got no response.


"You haven't changed one bit Sting," I heard a familiar voice. The scent was very strong. No way. No freaking way.

"WEISSLOGIA!" I shouted, turning to see the enormous white dragon.

"You've grown so much," He spoke.

"Why are you here? Aren't you...dead?" I asked.

"I am dead, but I'm able to quickly explain some things before you wake up."

"Oh, I'm not dead?"

"No Sting. You are not."

"Oh, that's alright then."

"Okay," He rolled his eyes at me, "Anyway, you managed to unlock a very ancient spell. It was probably an accident since I'm hoping that your most likely not idiotic enough to try it out yourself without preparing for it."

"What ancient spell?"

"You turned into a damn dragon Sting!" He groaned in annoyance, "I don't remember you being so slow. Have you been hanging out too much with Natsu Dragneel?"

"Hey! Natsu is amazing!" I defended, "Igneel would destroy you if he heard you say that!"

"Of course he will, now back to the subject," He rolled his eyes again, "Turning into a dragon takes a lot of skill and power. It's a miracle you managed to do it, but I guess you weren't prepared for how tiring it'd be since you passed out."

"Oh, that's what happened!"

"Yes, so just be warned. If you keep doing it, you might even die from exhaustion, so don't overwork yourself Sting. Do you understand?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah I do," I scoffed, nodding.

"Good, because you're about to wake up and I don't have time to go through it again and hammer it into your thick head," He smirked.

Before I could argue back, I felt myself being pulled into a bright light. It stung my eyes a little and that was when I felt the unbearable pain throughout my body.

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