C h a p t e r S e v e n

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Sting's POV

"Heya Y/n!" I grinned as I walked up to her. She was looking at what jobs were available, "You going on a job? I'll come with you!"

"Oh, hi Sting," She turned and smiled at me, "It's okay, you can stay here. You have a role as master to watch over your guild, remember?"

"Hmm, nope! I don't seem to recall having a role like that! Hey, let's take this one!" I plucked a job off the board and pulled her with me to the guild doors, before I was stopped by Minerva and Rogue.

"Where are you two going?" Minerva raised an eyebrow.

"A job!" Y/n grinned adorably.

"Oh! Let's go with them, Rogue!" Minerva pulled on Rogue's arm. I still need to get used to them being a couple. They just act so differently when they're together.

"Fine, but do we have to travel by a vehicle?" Rogue groaned. I almost puked at the thought of it.

"You'll be fine!" Minerva laughed.

Y/n's POV

Sting was sleeping soundly on my lap. It's better than him puking and whining. Rogue was asleep on Minerva's shoulder. They were such a cute couple. I wonder if people think that when they see me and Sting?

"So, what even is this job?" Minerva asked me. I forgot, I hadn't even read what it was when Sting picked it and dragged me off.

I brought out the piece of paper.

Help please!
I need to find the remaining pieces in this old temple, so that I can complete the puzzle!

"Seems like we just need to help them find some missing pieces," I shrugged.

"Sounds easy enough," Minerva nodded.

When we arrived, we woke the boys up before walking to the location we had been given. We had to walk really deep into a forest, until we saw the person we were doing this job for.

"Thank you so much for coming!" He smiled, "I'm Rick. There's a puzzle in this temple and the pieces are scattered in it, so I need your help gathering them."

"So, all of them are in this temple?" Rogue asked.

"Yes," Rick nodded.

"So, what is so special about this temple?" Sting asked.

"Legends say that this was where the gods used to come down and stay in before returning back to where they need to be," Rick explained.

"We'll split into two groups then," Minerva spoke, "I'll go with Y/n and you guys can go together."

"But I wanna go with Y/n," Sting pouted.

"Tough luck," Minerva laughed before pulling me into the massive temple. As soon as we walked in, we saw the puzzle area. Rick had already found five pieces which meant there were seven pieces left.

This place seemed oddly familiar to me...

"I think we should go this way," I pointed left. Minerva nodded unsurely and walked with me.

"We're going to get lost," Minerva frowned.

"It's fine," I shook her off, "And around here should be the room full of statues..."

We turned and sure enough, there was. How did I know that?

"How did you know that?" Minerva asked me, shocked.

"I...I don't know..." I gasped, shocked at my own actions, "I...I think there should be the room of engravings here..."

There it was. The room of engravings.

"Have you been here before?" Minerva asked me.

"...Yeah. I have," I laughed it off. I haven't, but I decided to say I had so Minerva wouldn't get as freaked out as I felt.

"Gee, you really scared me there Y/n," Minerva laughed, "Alright, let's find the pieces."

"Try this room," I led her to a room of paintings. For some reason, I just had a feeling there was one in here...

I trailed my hand across the paintings until I felt one different one. They were all painted on canvas' apart from one. It was painted on wood.

It was a block painting. Loads of squares. Loads of shapes. There was one that was slightly sticking out. I pushed it and the painting moved to the side, revealing the puzzle piece.

"Found one," I spoke.

"Woah! Good job!" Minerva cheered as she picked the puzzle piece up.

"Let's try the engravings room again," I nodded. Just another hunch...

The floors were all in weird shapes, but fit together in a puzzle as well. They all had engravings on them, except one. It had a part of the puzzle that we were trying to find.

It was loose as well so when I picked it up, it came up easily, leaving a gap in the floor.

"Let's head back now," Minerva spoke and I nodded. The boys had found one and we found two, which meant we had four more to find.

"Wow, how did you find so many?" Rogue commented.

"Y/n is great at finding the pieces!" Minerva grinned. I just laughed lightly.

"Good job! Let's go again," Rick nodded.

"This way," I said to Minerva. We got to the library, or rather, what was left of it, "Check the books."

We both scanned through them until Minerva saw one. It wasn't a book. It was the puzzle piece disguised with the books.

"Yes!" Minerva grinned as she held it proudly, "Where to next?"

"The hallway," I said and we got to the long hallway, "The ground."

As we walked down it, Minerva stepped on a stone which had an odd sound. I stopped her and knelt down to punch it. It shattered and revealed another puzzle piece.

"Let's go back now," Minerva spoke and I nodded in agreement. The boys had found the other two.

"Perfect! Let's put it together!" Rick exclaimed with excitement. Placing it piece by piece, it made a picture. It was a bunch of people, some with wings, some with weapons, some with halos, some with horns, crowded around a baby.

I put my hand on it, and I felt something wash over me.

"Hey! Sarus!" I ran up to a blonde haired boy. He had green eyes that always had a mischievous smile.

"Y/n! You ready to cause some mischief?" The boy asked me.

"Yeah!!! Let's go!" I responded.

"Let's hide the puzzle pieces!"

"Y/N!!!" Sting's voice shot me back to reality. What was that?

Sting's POV

What the hell just happened? She touched the puzzle and then she just zoned out. Her eyes had no emotion, but she was so focussed.

"Are you okay?" I asked her.

"...Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," She shook me off.

Something definitely isn't right here.

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